Write a JAVA program that asks the user to input the instructor Salary (double) and Academic Rank (String) as “Assistant" ,"Associate" ,or "Lecturer" (ignore case). Assume all inputs are valid and...

Write a JAVA program that asks the user to input the instructor Salary (double) and Academic<br>Rank (String) as “Assistant

Extracted text: Write a JAVA program that asks the user to input the instructor Salary (double) and Academic Rank (String) as “Assistant" ,"Associate" ,or "Lecturer" (ignore case). Assume all inputs are valid and there is no need for validation. Your program should display the Tax amount and Net Salary as follows: Tax Amount = Salary x Tax Rate Net Salary= Salary – Tax Amount Tax Rate can found from the following table Academic Rank Tax Rate Assistant Associate 10% 15% Lecturer 5% Sample Input / Output Enter instructor Salary and Academic Rank: 955.7 Assistant Tax Amount = BD 95.570 Net Salary = BD 860.13 Note: Your answer should follow the given sample input / output.

Jun 11, 2022

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