Write a Java application for a server that listens to a client. The server should run on port 8250. Once the server is running it should output “Server is starting….”, then it should wait to receive a...

Write a Java application for a server that listens to a client. The server should run on port 8250. Once the server is running it should output “Server is starting….”, then it should wait to receive a message from the client. Once it receives the message, it should close the socket. Create a client that sends a message to the server through port 8250. The message that should be sent to
the server should be the sum of two numbers. Once it sends the message, it should close the socket.

Figure 2(attached) shows messages from the server:

Output x<br>D ITSDExamVBQn2 (run) × ITSDExamVBQn2 (run) #2 ×<br>D<br>run:<br>Server is starting....<br>Message received from client : 4 + 3 = 7<br>BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 4 seconds)<br>Figure 2 - Server showing message from client<br>

Extracted text: Output x D ITSDExamVBQn2 (run) × ITSDExamVBQn2 (run) #2 × D run: Server is starting.... Message received from client : 4 + 3 = 7 BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 4 seconds) Figure 2 - Server showing message from client

Jun 09, 2022

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