Write a Haskell function insertInPlace y xs that takes an element y and a sorted list xs and places y at its rightful place in xs. (By the way, the question statement may be misleading as it signals...

Note: Solve using Haskell. Use same function names as given in the question

Write a Haskell function insertInPlace y xs that takes an element y and a sorted list xs and places y at its<br>rightful place in xs. (By the way, the question statement may be misleading as it signals your mind to view the list as<br>a mutable object. Don't fall prey to my trap!)<br>

Extracted text: Write a Haskell function insertInPlace y xs that takes an element y and a sorted list xs and places y at its rightful place in xs. (By the way, the question statement may be misleading as it signals your mind to view the list as a mutable object. Don't fall prey to my trap!)

Jun 11, 2022

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