Write a function named createCantusVoice(), which returns a phrase containing one of the voices in Arvo Part’s “Cantus in Memoriam” seen in Chapter 4. The function should accept three parameters,...

Write a function named createCantusVoice(), which returns a phrase

containing one of the voices in Arvo Part’s “Cantus in Memoriam”

seen in Chapter 4. The function should accept three parameters,

namely, pitches, durations, and an elongationAmount (a float). For

example, the following

pitches = [A5, G5, F5, E5, D5, C5, B4, A4]

durations = [HN, QN, HN, QN, HN, QN, HN, QN]

voice = createCantusVoice(pitches, durations, 1.0)

should generate a phrase with 8 notes starting with an A5 half note

(HN), followed by a G5 quarter note (QN),... and ending with an A4

quarter note. Whereas the following

 voice = createCantusVoice(pitches, durations, 2.0)

should generate a phrase with 8 notes starting with an A5 whole

note (WN), followed by a G5 half note (HN),... and ending with an

A4 half note. (Hint: You may use Mod.elongate() in the body of your


May 26, 2022

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