Write a C program to read names and marks of n number of students from keyboard (n must be less than 50). The entered mark is out of 40. Convert the mark to out of 100. Use 2D array for names and 1D...

Write a C program to read names and marks of
number of students from keyboard (n
must be less than 50). The entered mark is out of 40. Convert the mark to out of 100. Use 2D array for names and 1D array for marks. Then, display all the names, marks(/40), marks(/100), and the average marks of all students. The sample input/output is shown in Figure 1.

Enter number of students: 3 Student 1 Enter name AHMAD BIN ALI Enter markl 25.5 Student 2 - Enter name MEILINGLING Enter mark 30 Student 3 - Enter name: RAJA GOPAL Enter mark 35.0 MARKS (/40) MARKS (/100) LIST OF STUDENTS 63.75 76.25 87.50 25.5 30.5 35.0 1. AHMAD BIN ALI 2. MEI LING LING 3. RAJA GOPAL Average mark is 75.83 Figure 1

May 19, 2022

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