Write a C program that will ask the user to enter a decimal number. It will then use an integer array to store the values of the remainders after repeatedly dividing the user’s input by 2. Finally,...

Write a C program that will ask the user to enter a decimal number. It will then use an integer array to store the values of the remainders after repeatedly dividing the user’s input by 2. Finally, the array values representing the binary equivalent will be printed out to the user.

You should have two loops in your program:

1.a while or do-while loop to repeatedly divide the number and store the remainders in the array

2. a for loop to print the values of the array

Don’t forget to break the program into smaller steps and compile and run AFTER EACH STEP


Sample output of three separate runs is show below with user input in bold:

> ./a.out

Enter a decimal number:

The binary equivalent of 23 is 10111

> ./a.out

Enter a decimal number:

The binary equivalent of 729 is 1011011001

May 19, 2022

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