Write a C program that implements a simple car rental information system. Your program keeps track of the cars of a rental company and rental information. The program provides a simple user interface...

Write a C program that implements a simple car rental information system. Your program keeps track of the cars of a rental company and rental information. The program provides a simple user interface to add cars to the company's inventory, to make a car reservation, find a reservation, print rented and non-rented vehicles, and compute average number of days rented. Your program must use the data types and variables described below.

A type definition of a new structCarT to store car information. This struct must have the following fields:int carId; // a unique ID of a carchar make[20]; //make of the carchar model[20]; //model of the carint numDoors; // 2 or 4 door carsdouble rate; //the rental rate of the carA type definition of a new structRentalT to store rental information of a renter:char renterName[20]; //name of renterint daysRenting; //days renting the carint carId; // ID of the car rentedTwo arrays in main()that store car information and rental information:CarT   allCars[20]; //a list of carsRentalT allRentals[60]; // a list of rentalsNote that there can be more rentals than cars this is because we may consider allRentals to store records about cars currently rented and those that have been reserved. The program keeps track of the total number of cars owned by the company and the total number of rentals by the following two variables declared in main():int totalCars; //number of all cars ownedint totalRentals; //number of rented carsWrite a main program that declares the above specified variables and any other variables you may need. The main program performs the following operations:1. It calls a function int createInventory ( CarT *allCars ) to add a total of 3 cars to the inventory with the following information:

Car ID              Make               Model              #doors              rate

1234                VW                  Golf                 2                      66.00

2241                Ford                 Focus               4                      45.00

3445                BMW               X3                   4                      128.00

The new cars must be stored in the first three array positions of the array allCars. The function returns the number of cars that has been added successfully, which should be 3. This value can be used to initialize the local variable totalCars.

2. Then the program prints a menu to the screen and repeatedly prompts the user to choose from several options shown below:


Add new car to the inventory.


Make a reservation.


Find a reservation using a renter name and print it to the screen.


Print all rental information to the screen.


Print car information to the screen of a selected car using the make of the car to search the inventory.


Calculate and print average number of days rented.


Exit program.

Except for exiting the program, each option is performed by a function. Your program must call the appropriate function. Use a switch statement to handle the user input and make the function calls and updates as necessary. The function header and definition of the functions are given below.int addNewCar(CarT *allCars, int totalCars, int size);This function must prompt the user for the fields to initialize the values in the structure composing a car. It must use the value of totalCars to select the array location for the new car and set the corresponding fields of the CarT struct. It must use size to check if there is a space in the array. Given the above definition of the array, there can be at most 20 cars in the company's inventory. The function returns the new number of total cars in the inventory. The returned value must be used to update the totalCars variable in main().int addNewRental(CarT *allCars, int totalCars, RentalT *allRentals, int totalRentals, int size);

This function must prompt the user for the fields to initialize the values in the structure composing a rental reservation. It must use the value of totalRentals to select the array location for the new rental reservation and set the corresponding fields of the RentalT struct. It must use size to check if there is a new space in the array. Given the above definition of the array, there can be at most 60 cars rented. The function returns the new number of total car rentals. The returned value must be used to update the totalRentals variable in main(). For this function, you must implement and use another function that identifies the carId of the car matching a given car name:int findCarIDByName ( CarT *allCars, int totalCars, char *carMake );This function searches through the list of cars in the inventory and finds the car matching the given car name as indicated by the make of the car. The function then returns the ID of the car. If the car cannot be located -1 must be returned.int findReservation ( RentalT *allRentals, int totalRentals, char *renterName );This function locates a reservation in the array that matches the specified renterName in the RentalT struct. It returns the index of the field in the array that stores the matched rental information. The information can then be used to print the fields of the rental information. Instead of printing a carID from the rental information, you must locate the car information in the car array using the carID and print the car information to the screen. This can be achieved by calling the following function:int findCarById ( CarT *allCars, int totalCars, int carId );This function searches through the list of cars in the inventory and finds the car matching the given car ID. The function then returns the index of the matched car in the array allCars. If the car cannot be located in the inventory -1 must be returned. With the index of the field storing a CarT struct, the car information can be printed.void printAllRentals (RentalT *allRentals, int totalRentals, CarT *allCars, int totalCars );This function prints all car rental information to the screen. Instead of the field carID, the car information must be printed using the above function to locate the index of the car matching the carID. The variable allRentals is the array of rental information, totalRentals is the total number of car rentals, allCars is the array of car information, and totalCars is the number of cars in the inventory.void printCarInfo ( CarT *allCars, int totalCars, int carId );This function prints the car information to the screen matching the specified carId. The inventory must be searched for cars matching the given Id to print all the fields in the CarT struct. If there is no car matching Id, then a message of "Car not found" must be printed.double getAverageRentalDays (RentalT *allRentals, int totalRentals );This function computes the average number of days cars have been rented considering all rentals. The function examines all rental records in the array to compute the average number of days. The function returns the computed value. If no cars have been rented a value of -1 must be returned.

May 19, 2022

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