Write a C++ program that accepts a number followed by one space and then a letter. If the letter following the number is an f, the program should treat the number entered as a temperature in degrees...

Write a C++ program that accepts a number followed by one space and then a letter. If the letter following the number is an f, the program should treat the number entered as a temperature in degrees Fahrenheit, convert the number to the equivalent degrees Celsius, and print a suitable display message. If the letter following the number is a c, the program should treat the number entered as a temperature in Celsius, convert the number to the equivalent degrees Fahrenheit, and print a suitable display message. If the letter is neither an f or c, the program should print a message that the data entered is incorrect and then terminate. Use an if-else chain in your program and make use of the conversion formulas:

            Celsius = (5.0/9.0) *(Fahrenheit – 32.0)

            Fahrenheit = (9.0/5.0) * Celsius + 32.0)

Jun 09, 2022

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