Write a C language program that will display (all uppercase) the following string (an actual English language word) FLOCCINAUCINIHILIPILIFICATION Prompt for a specific uppercase letter in the string...

Write a C language program that will display (all uppercase) the following string (an actual English language word)


Prompt for a specific uppercase letter in the string to test.  Re-prompt if a valid letter is not entered.  Create a 2-D array that contains the ASCII code (see chart) of the 11 letters found in the word, paired up with the number of times that letter appears in the word.  Next prompt for a number between 1 and 255.  Use the number as a mask to perform the AND, the OR, and the Exclusive OR on the selected letter.  Also, if the letter appears twice in the word, shift the letter to the left twice.  If the letter appears three times, shift the letter to the right thrice.  If the letter appears four or more times, raise the letter to that power.  Display the letter as a character, each logical operation as a hexadecimal number, and powers as a floating point number to one decimal place.

Jun 09, 2022

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