Write a BNF grammar for sequences of left and right parentheses that are balanced. A sequence of parentheses is balanced if parentheses match and are well nested. For example, (( OO)) is balanced, but...

Write a BNF grammar for sequences of left and right parentheses that are balanced. A<br>sequence of parentheses is balanced if parentheses match and are well nested. For example, ((<br>OO)) is balanced, but )( and ( ))()( are not balanced. Write derivation tree for ( ( ()) ())<br>using the grammar developed above.<br>

Extracted text: Write a BNF grammar for sequences of left and right parentheses that are balanced. A sequence of parentheses is balanced if parentheses match and are well nested. For example, (( OO)) is balanced, but )( and ( ))()( are not balanced. Write derivation tree for ( ( ()) ()) using the grammar developed above.

Jun 09, 2022

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