Working knowledge of shell scripting is essential for anyone wishing to become reasonably proficient in system administration, even if they do not anticipate having to actually write a script. Task 1...

Working knowledge of shell scripting is essential for anyone wishing to become reasonably proficient in system administration, even if they do not anticipate having to actually write a script.

Task 1 Shell scripting and profile the system : XXXXXXXXXX7 marks)

  1. System administrators often write scripts to automate common tasks. Give a few of instances where such scripts would be useful. Your job in this task is to write a script that displays the following information:

    1. hostnameinformation,

    2. file system diskspace usage,

    3. memoryusage,

    4. timeanddateon invocation,

    5. lists alllogged-in users,

    6. uptimeto the system.

XXXXXXXXXXthe script will thendemonstrateinformation in anHTML page.

  • The scripts must provide the following:

    1. Sufficient instructions to the user once the script has been executed,

    2. the script needs the necessary commands,

    3. the indentation has to be followed.

    4. the script must be in TEXT format NOT screenshots (i.e., image).

Task 2: DNS configuration XXXXXXXXXX Marks)

Implement server a simple local DNS server The Local DNS accepts queries from clients and tries to resolve them, first by checking its local cache. The Local DNS must reply toA,NS, andCNAMErequests. Before you start to implement your server, you should have a clear understanding of the DNS protocol and, specifically, of the message format. You can find good information online inLearning DNS by Cricket Liuor the textbook and the lecture slides.

Local DNS must be able to resolve queries iteratively starting from a given root name server. In other words, Local DNS must work even with a root server that does not support recursive queries. Local DNS must also correctly handle canonical names (www). This means that a server (the root server or others) might reply with a CNAME record in response to a request for the A record In this case, Local DNS should first resolve the CNAME record and then reply to the original request with a DNS message that includes both the canonical-name record (CNAME) for the original name and the address record (A) for the canonical name.

You should demonstrate your Local DNS fully functional and tests your local DNS using dig tool to submit queries to your DNS server. Below is a summary of the most important requirements for your implementation:

  • Your configuration must compile,

  • Your server must reply to DNS requests of typesA,NS,PTR, andCNAME. Other types are optional,

  • If your server receives a CNAME response from a name n while looking for the A record of n, your server should first recursively resolve the name returned in the CNAME record,

  • you have to demonstrate that DNS configuration/zone files are free from errors by usingnamed-checkconf,named-checkzoneandsystemctl status namedwith the proper arguments,

  • You have to install Local DNS usingBINDto implement local DNS,

  • You can easily test your implementation using thedig commandwith the proper arguments.


  • You are required to configure network virtual machines based on the above diagram,

  • document all the steps and challenges while configuring the DNS with a clear description of each step,

  • Submit all your zone/config files as an appendix.

May 18, 2022

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