Work Groups in Organizational Culture
What is special about workgroups and teams?
What are the key theories and findings of work groups and
teams research?
What are the key implications for management practice?
Why should we study work groups and teams?
Barker, J R (1993) Tightening the iron cage: Concertive
control in self-managing teams Administrative Science Quarterly, 38, 408-437
Cohen & Bailey (1997) What makes teams work: Group
effectiveness research from the shop floor to the executive suite Journal of
Management, 23, 239-290
George, J (1990) Personality, affect, and behavior in
groups Journal of Applied Psychology, 75, 2, 107-116
Ilgen, DR, Hollenbeck, JR, Johnson, M & Jundt, D
(2005) Teams in organizations: From I-P-O Models to IMOI models Annual Review
of Psychology, 56, 517-543
Marks, M A, Mathieu, J E, & Zaccaro, S J (2001) A
temporally based framework and taxonomy of team processes Academy of
Management Review, 26, 356-376