Wood and Keller XXXXXXXXXXprovide a more detailed look at how computer technology can be used to advantage in cartographic design, and Brown and Feringa XXXXXXXXXXcover relevant aspects of colour...

Wood and Keller (1996) provide a more detailed look at how computer technology can be used to advantage in cartographic design, and Brown and Feringa (2003) cover relevant aspects of colour science and technology. Brewer (2005) addresses issues of map design specifically for GIS users. Other specialist texts cover the developments mentioned in this chapter. These include Peterson (1995), McMaster and Shea (1992) and MacEachren and Taylor (1994). MacEachren has also produced books on symbolization and design (MacEachren, 1994) and representation and visualization (MacEachren, 1995). Recent developments in geovisualization are covered by Dyke et al. (2005) When considering the use and misuse of maps as tools communicating spatial information, there is an excellent series of books by Monmonier (1993, 1995 and 1996) entitled Mapping it Out, Drawing the Line and How to Lie with Maps. There are several texts available about the Internet and GIS. These include Kraak and Brown (2000) on web cartography and Plewe (1997) GISOnline.

May 19, 2022

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