With regard to MY assignments (IP’s, GP’s, DB’s), consider the source before you include information from Web sites. Who sponsors the Web site? Is the information on the site supported by theory and...

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With regard to MY assignments (IP’s, GP’s, DB’s), consider the source before you include information from Web sites.

    • Who sponsors the Web site?

    • Is the information on the site supported by theory and research?

    • WIKIPEDIA, Yahoo Answers, dictionaries, encyclopedias, or similar websites, may NEVER be used or cited under any circumstances, on any assignment, discussion, or response for this class.


Watch the following
LinkedIn Learning Videos
to help you with the assignments in this Unit.
Many financial providers treat privacy as a compliance issue, instead of, more appropriately thinking of privacy as a risk management issue.

Discusshow current regulations that help consumers protect their privacy have affected you.

What do you see as the primary causes of network threats to an individual's privacy?

Describe an experience where your personal privacy or that of a friend or family member was threatened.

Whatdo you think organizations (or governments) should do to avoid or prevent such threats?

Should personal privacy protection be an organization’s responsibility, yours, or both? Why?

Identify a single privacy threat, which is the most difficult to fix and propose what can organizations do to counter it?


Assignment Description

Watch the followingLinkedIn Learning Videosto help you with the assignments in this Unit.
Your electronics manufacturing company is working on a new product. The board of directors thinks that this product will revolutionize the travel industry and generate huge profits for the company. To protect this product during the research and development cycle, the company is planning to install a new network consisting of a dozen computers. Your company selected you to lead a team that will develop a subset of a security plan for the network.

In 5 pages, write a report on the following:

  • Propose a detailed plan that focuses on password policies and authentication methods to protect the project from becoming public during the research and development phase. Specifically provide the following to meet these requirements:

    • Title page

    • Introduction 1 PARAGRAPH

    • Provide details of the password policy to be implemented using the template found in the School of Information Technology's Library Guide (LibGuide). Usethis linkfor the LibGuide and navigate to MSIT / ITAS.

    • Identify the authentication and authorization solution to be used (2-3 pages)

    • Conclusion

    • APA Reference List

  • Include an estimated cost of your plan.

Answered Same DayJul 19, 2022

Answer To: With regard to MY assignments (IP’s, GP’s, DB’s), consider the source before you include information...

Amar Kumar answered on Jul 20 2022
86 Votes
i) Provide a Privacy Policies
ii) Check the security of service provider
iii) Understand the threat
iv) Use a strong authentication process
i) Bad password practice
ii) Phishing attack
iii) Malware
iv) Unsecured web browsing
c) For eight hours, my sixteen-year-old son experienced Facebook b
ullying. My kid had an intense psychotic break as a result of the horrific occurrence, which required him to spend nearly a month in a hospital's adolescent psychiatric unit. He has undergone permanent mental transformation and will never be the same. Children need to be aware that cyberbullying may cause harm and have an impact on individuals. These children find the situation amusing and are not being punished in any manner. We are aware that it alters lives. Applegate, M., & Morse, J. M. (1994)
· Have a strategy that specifically covers authentication.
· Recognize the limitations of shared secrets' security
· Choose user-friendly authentication systems to promote wider usage.
Both, because all three organizations should ideally cooperate, it is unclear whether one—the government, businesses, or individuals—is most accountable for protecting users' personal information. People must learn to secure their data to the best of their abilities and hold businesses and governments responsible for how their information is utilized. Cavoukian, A., Taylor, S., & Abrams, M. E. (2010)

Due to dubious behaviour, cybercriminals continue to pose the greatest threat to personal information in the digital age, despite government monitoring efforts. The basic explanation for this is that cybercriminals try to track your activity while the government and law enforcement do not. Strong passwords and compartmentalized email accounts are critical precautions to adopt, but user awareness and regularly updated anti-virus software can also help prevent attacks. Deng, M., Wuyts, K., Scandariato, R., Preneel, B., & Joosen, W. (2011).

PCs and other computerized gadgets are turning out to be increasingly more of an objective for attacks as they become increasingly more essential for industry and exchange. An association or an individual must initially be sure that the PC hardware is protected and that no correspondences will be compromised before they can utilize it with certainty. We'll go over the primary thoughts of data framework security and discuss a few safeguard steps that might be executed. We'll begin with a synopsis that spotlights on keeping up with security inside organizations. We'll discuss a few different stages a business might take to fortify security. The security steps individuals might take to safeguard their PC climate will next be examined.
This policy aims to set standards for efficiently generating, managing, and safeguarding passwords at Libguide.
The permitted password usage on any systems that connect to the Libguide network or access or store Libguide data will be governed by this policy, which will apply to all employees, contractors, and affiliates of...

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