Why does Rat Kiley write a letter to Curt Lemon's sister? What do you make of the details of his 1erter? ConventionalJy, such a letter would praise a fallen fellow combatant as a "hero," someone of...

Why does Rat Kiley write a letter to Curt Lemon's sister? What do you make of the details of his 1erter? ConventionalJy, such a letter would praise a fallen fellow combatant as a "hero," someone of exemplary character who had chosen to make the "ultimate sacrifice." Instead, Rat wiites about the times he and Cmt were "raising hell and lighting up villes and bringing smoke to bear every which way." ls Rat tiying to insult the sister? Seduce her? Destroy her positive rnemo1ies of her brother? When she fails to write back to him, why does Rat refer to her as a "dumb cooze"? For that matter, why does he refer to the Vietnamese as "gooks"? ls this simply an example of crude prejudice? If Rat began to tbink of the Vietnamese as people, much like his own family back home, how would such a change influence his behavior? If he d10ughc of Lemon's sister as nothing more than a "cooze," why did he bother to write to her at aU?

May 21, 2022

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