While Fred is sleeping one night, X legitimate emails and Y spam emails are sent to him. Suppose that X and Y are independent, with X  Pois(10) and Y  Pois(40). When he wakes up, he observes that he...

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While Fred is sleeping one night, X legitimate emails and Y spam emails are sent to him. Suppose that X and Y are independent, with X
 Pois(10) and Y
 Pois(40). When he wakes up, he observes that he has 30 new emails in his inbox. Given this information, what is the expected value of how many new legitimate emails he has?

Answered Same DayDec 25, 2021

Answer To: While Fred is sleeping one night, X legitimate emails and Y spam emails are sent to him. Suppose...

David answered on Dec 25 2021
132 Votes
Suppose W = X + Y , we know that W ∼ Poisson with mean = 10 + 40 = 50,
and we can assume that each
email from W has probability p of being legitimate,
such that number of legitimate emails is a poisson random variable with mean
= p*50
⇒ 10 = p*50 ⇒ p = 0.2
Given 30 emails have arrived, expected...

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