Which of the following LINQ expressions sorts the data by LastName field in ascending order, with records with the same last name sorted by FirstName field in descending order? Dim records = In...

Which of the following LINQ expressions sorts the data by LastName field in ascending order, with records with the same last name sorted by FirstName field in descending order?

  1. Dim records = In NamesDataSet.tblNames Order By Name From name

name, LastName Ascending

Descending FirstName

Choose a name

  1. Dim records = From name Order By name In NamesDataSet.tblNames

LastName, firstname

Descending FirstName

Choose a name

  1. Dim records = Order By NamesDataSet.tblNames Select name From NamesDataSet.tblNames

Name, FirstName Descending

Both a and b are correct for LastName d.

Jun 08, 2022

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