When this program is run in C++, I get an error which is: main.cpp: In function 'int main()': main.cpp:37:17: error: 'exit' was not declared in this scope case 'Q': exit(0);...

When this program is run in C++, I get an error which is:

main.cpp: In function 'int main()':

main.cpp:37:17: error: 'exit' was not declared in this scope case 'Q': exit(0);

How can it be fix?

/* C++ Program that process input text */



using namespace std;

//Function prototypes

char print Menu();

int Get Num Of Non WS Characters(string);

int  Get Num Of Words(string);

void Replace Exclamation(string&);

void Shorten Space(string&);

int Find Text(string, string);

//Main function

int main()


char option;

string text, phrase To Find;

//Reading text from user

count <>

get line(cin, text);

//Printing text

count <>

//Loop till user wants to quit



//Printing menu

option = print Menu();

//Calling functions based on option selected by user



//User wants to quit

case 'q':

case 'Q': exit(0);

//Counting non-whitespace characters

case 'c':

case 'C': count <><>


//Counting number of words

case 'w':

case 'W': count <><>


//Counting number of occurrences phrase in given string

case 'f':

case 'F': cin .ignore(); count <>

count <><><><><>


//Replacing ! with .

case 'r':

case 'R': Replace Exclamation(text); count <><>


//Replacing multiple spaces with single space

case 's':

case 'S': Shorten Space(text); count <><>


default: count <>




return 0;


//Function that prints menu

char print Menu()


char ch;

//Printing menu

count <"\n\n\t>

count <>

count <"\n\n\t>

//Reading user choice

cin >> ch;

return ch;


//Function that count number of non space characters

int Get Num Of Non WS Characters(const string text)


int cnt = 0, i;

int  len = text .size();

//Looping over given text

for(i=0; i


//Counting spaces

if(!is space(text[i]))



return cnt;


//Function that count number of words in the string

int Get Num Of Words(const string text)


int words = 0, i;

int len = text. size();

//Looping over text

for(i=0; i


//Checking for space

if(is space(text[i]))


//Handling multiple spaces

while(is space(text[i]))


//Incrementing words








//Handling last word

words = words + 1;

return words;


//Function that replaces ! with .

void Replace Exclamation(string& text)


string new Text = text;

int  i, len = text. size();

//Looping over string

for(i=0; i


//Replacing ! with .

if(text[i] == '!')

new Text[i] = '.';


text = new Text;


//Function that replaces Multiple spaces with single space

void Shorten Space(string& text)


char *new Text;

int i, len = text. size(), k=0;

new Text = new char[len+1];

//Looping over string

for(i=0; i


//Assign individual characters

new Text[k] = text[i];

//Handling multiple spaces

if(is space(text[i]))


//Replacing multiple spaces with single space

while(is space(text[i]))








new Text[k] = '\0';

text = new Text;


//Function that counts the occurrences of given phrase in a given text

int Find Text(string text, string phrase)


int count = 0;

if (phrase. size() == 0)

return 0;

//Counting number of phrase occurrences in the given string

for(size _t offset = text. find(phrase); offset != string::n pos; offset = text .find(phrase, offset + phrase. size()))




//Retuning count

return count;


May 19, 2022

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