When the previous manager was promoted, Vijeta was elevated to supervise the four service representatives in Yes Bank's Consumer Credit Services Department. At the time, Vijeta was the department's highest-ranking official. Vijeta had collaborated with Bhavya and had become friends with her. Bhavya had worked in the department for nearly as long as Vijeta had. Bhavya was a direct and honest person. Her hostile and defensive behaviour turned people off. As a result, when Vijeta was promoted, she chose a junior employee who was more agreeable to work with as her assistant manager. Vijeta's relationship with Bhavya began to change at that point. Vijeta wanted to demonstrate that she could effectively manage the department, so she became a hands-on manager. She was not afraid to make decisions or issue directives. However, it appeared to Vijeta that Bhavya was increasingly criticising her decisions in front of the other employees. To make matters worse, Bhavya was frequently correct. a.) What type of personality does Bhavya have according to big five personality traits? Explain
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