When Ho describes invesam:nt bankers, �he often uses the word pmlll'r. For example, she writes, ·'I do not assume a priori [aucomaricallyj that 'the market' aJways already exercises power. but rather chat tht' particular biographies, experiences, and practices of investment bankers, who are both empowered and constrained by their cultural :111d imtitutional locatiom, create social change and financial hegemony on a daily ba�is.'' Should we rhink of power as something pmsessed by individuals or groups, or docs it have to be created and sustJined by the actions of the powerful? How does Wall Stred u�e the Ivy Leagues to create its power? Why is it nect'Ssa1y for financiers to recruit �o relentlessly? Is rhc prescnCl' of Wall Street on campus a �ign of irs strength or its weakness?
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