نقطة واحدة What will be the output of the ?following C++ code #include #include

نقطة واحدة<br>What will be the output of the<br>?following C++ code<br>#include <iostream><br>#include <string<br>using namespace std;<br>class A<br>float<br>public:<br>A){<br>cout<<

Extracted text: نقطة واحدة What will be the output of the ?following C++ code #include #include <"constructor of="" class="" a\n";="" }="" };="" class="" b:="" public="" a="" {="" int="" a="15;" public:="" b(){=""><"constructor of="" class="" b\n";="" }="" };="" int="" main(int="" argc,="" char="" const="" *argvo)="" {="" b="" b3b="" return="">

Jun 10, 2022

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