What is your thoughts on this: The Department of Homeland Security has proven to be an unnecessary and costly reorganization of government. DHS’s struc­ture complicates management, frustrates...

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What is your thoughts on this:

The Department of Homeland Security has proven to be an unnecessary and costly reorganization of government. DHS’s struc­ture complicates management, frustrates oversight, and encourages wasteful spend­ing. DHS grant programs also distort state and local spending priorities. If America could be made safer by wasteful spending on unused decontamination gear, Congress could declare victory now.

The Department of Homeland Security should be abolished, and its components reorganized into more practical groupings. The agencies tasked with immigration, bor­der security, and customs enforcement belong under the same oversight agency, which could appropriately be called the Border Security Administration. The Transporta­tion Security Administration and Federal Air Marshal Service should be abolished.

DHS should also get out of the domestic intelligence business. The FBI and local po­lice agencies already handle every other do­mestic criminal threat, and terrorism should be no exception. Federal and state legislators should end funding to fusion centers and move whatever legitimate tip-screening and information-sharing functions they provide to FBI Joint Terrorism Task Forces. Political dissent should never become a key indicator of terrorist intent.

Abolishing DHS and reorganizing its components can save billions annually and alleviate the mounting pressure on civil lib­erties that we have experienced under ever-expanding homeland security bureaucracy. Terrorism remains a serious problem, but a sprawling Department of Homeland Security is not the proper way to address that threat.

Answered Same DayAug 18, 2021

Answer To: What is your thoughts on this: The Department of Homeland Security has proven to be an unnecessary...

Swati answered on Aug 19 2021
153 Votes
Abolishing DHS
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was created by congress immediately after the
terrorist’s attacks of September 11, 2001 with a single intention to make American public feel safer. This acted as a wider umbrella covering the coordination improvisation of 22 pre- existing federal agencies. But instead of achieving coordination, it resulted in over expansion of bureaucracy. In order to shows its operations effectively, many subdivision are created under same cabinet official such as border security, federal law enforcement training, counterfeiting investigations, and preparedness for disasters, computer incident response and biological warfare defense. Enhancement of competency of government is not achieved by this arrangement. As the DHS head is responsible for governmental efforts to counter potential flue epidemics as well as airport security...

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