What is the role of religion in society? In your response, include a comparison of the theories on religion of Marx, Weber, and Durkheim. Has the role of religion in society changed over time? How...

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What is the role of religion in society? In your response, include a comparison of the theories on religion of Marx, Weber, and Durkheim. Has the role of religion in society changed over time? How does this relate to the current generational shift in religious affiliation in the U.S.250 words with references

Answered Same DayDec 25, 2021

Answer To: What is the role of religion in society? In your response, include a comparison of the theories on...

David answered on Dec 25 2021
124 Votes
As per various sociologists, religion has a profound role to play in the society. As per
religion has a functional role in the society as it tends to enhance the social
cohesion in the society. Through the example of Aborigines, Durkheim emphasised on how
through totems, people worshipped the society which is more powerful than the individual.
Also, in terms of loss, requisite social support is provided through religion (Ritzer &
Stepnisky. 2013). In stark contrast, Marx criticised religion as being the ‘opium of the
masses’ and opined that class differences...

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