What is the physical address of this instruction Source operand of MOV BL, [SI + BP - 9H], If you know that (ES) = 1AOOH, %3D (DS) = 4200H , (SS) = DOOOH , (BX) = 0200H %3D %3D , (BP) = 1000H, (SP) =...

What is the physical address of this<br>instruction Source operand of MOV BL, [SI +<br>BP - 9H], If you know that (ES) = 1AOOH,<br>%3D<br>(DS) = 4200H , (SS) = DOOOH , (BX) = 0200H<br>%3D<br>%3D<br>, (BP) = 1000H, (SP) = 1020H , (SI) = 0400H ,<br>%3D<br>%3D<br>%3D<br>(DI) = 0300 H<br>%3D<br>

Extracted text: What is the physical address of this instruction Source operand of MOV BL, [SI + BP - 9H], If you know that (ES) = 1AOOH, %3D (DS) = 4200H , (SS) = DOOOH , (BX) = 0200H %3D %3D , (BP) = 1000H, (SP) = 1020H , (SI) = 0400H , %3D %3D %3D (DI) = 0300 H %3D

Jun 08, 2022

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