What is the difference between de novo synthesis of nucleotides and nucleotide/nucleoside salvage pathways. Are the salvage pathways important? Why or why not? .Salvage pathways are more important...

What is the difference between de novo synthesis of nucleotides and nucleotide/nucleoside salvage pathways. Are the salvage pathways important? Why or why not? .Salvage pathways are more important because it takes more resources to make purines. Adenine and guanine can be degraded to Uric Acid- accumulation of uric acid can cause gout. When adenine accumulates it can cause issues with DNA synthesis 0 4. Does de novo synthesis of nucleotides produce Cribonucleotidès or deoxyribonucleotides? 2 5. De novo purine synthesis: 8 Know the precursor of each carbon and nitrogen atom in the purine ring. Starting with the synthesis of PRPP describe the synthesis of AMP and GMP. Are mono-, di- or triphosphates synthesized by this pathway?

May 19, 2022

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