What is the difference between a tuple and an attribute? Identify two benefits of separating application software from the DBMS. Describe the similarities between an abstract data type (Chapter 8) and...

What is the difference between a tuple and an attribute? Identify two benefits of separating application software from the DBMS. Describe the similarities between an abstract data type (Chapter 8) and a database model. Identify the level within a database system (user, programmer of application software, designer of the DBMS software) at which each of the following concerns or activities occur: a. How should data be stored on a disk to maximize efficiency? b. Is there a vacancy on flight 243? c. How should a relation be organized in mass storage? d. How many times should a user be allowed to mistype a password before the conversation is terminated? e. How can the PROJECT operation be implemented?

May 19, 2022

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