what are professional partnerships and why they are important for education?

what are professional partnerships and why they are important for education?

EDF5659 TOPICS: Lecturer: EDF5659 Building partnerships with families and communities Understanding Assignment 1 Mark Ammermann Taghreed Jamal Al-deen Assessment Tasks Assessment task Value Due date Assessment task 1: 50% Friday 24 Communicative plan in April 2020, building partnership with 11.55pm families and communities Assessment task 2: 50% Friday 5 June Report on experiences 2020, of establishing 11.55pm professional partnership with families and communities MONASH EDUCATION2 Assessment Tasks MONASH EDUCATION3 Assessment task Value Due date Assessment task 1: Communicative plan in building partnership with families and communities 50% Thursday 15 April 2021, 11.55pm Details of task: This assignment requires a detailed plan of how you form partnerships with families and communities using the theory and approaches covered in this unit. 4000 words Assessment Task 1 MONASH EDUCATION4 The communication plan will include: 1. Introduction: what are professional partnerships and why they are important for education? (about 500 words) – discussed in weeks 1 & 2 Suggestions Defining a professional partnership (what makes it professional?) Discuss the importance - benefits (family, education setting, community, child/student) - impact (maximising impact) - Support your discussion with literature (text, peer-reviewed articles, readings) Assessment Task 1 The communication plan will include: 1. Introduction: what are professional partnerships and why they are important for education? (about 500 words) – discussed in weeks 1 & 2 Criteria C1. Introduction that details the professional partnerships and why they are important for education. 10% HIGH DISTINCTION. A well-crafted and succinct introduction that highlights the relevant details on partnership and why they are important for education. DISTINCTION: A good introduction that highlights the relevant details on partnership and why they are important for education. CREDIT: A fair introduction that highlights the relevant details on partnership and why they are important for education, but there are some gaps and/or the information is not clearly organised. PASS: The introduction attempts to provide information on partnership and why they are important for education, but there are several gaps or inconsistencies displayed. MONASH EDUCATION5 Assessment Task 1: 2. Main discussion: (about 2000 words) (discussed in weeks 3 - 7) • What are the main components of the plan, including theoretical models and approaches utilised? • Why are these components chosen? • How will be they implemented? components select which theories and/or models you wish to incorporate (1-2, not all of them) MONASH EDUCATION6 Assessment Task 1: 2. Main discussion: (about 2000 words) (discussed in weeks 3 - 7) • What are the main components of the plan, including theoretical models and approaches utilised? • Why are these components chosen? • How will be they implemented? components select which theories and/or models you wish to incorporate (1-2, not all of them) MONASH EDUCATION7 Assessment Task 1: 2. Main discussion: (about 2000 words) (discussed in weeks 3 - 7) • What are the main components of the plan, including theoretical models and approaches utilised? • Why are these components chosen? • How will be they implemented? components select which theories and/or models you wish to incorporate (1-2, not all of them) MONASH EDUCATION8 components Underlying theories and models: Approaches Strategies & Actions Assessment Task 1: 2. Main discussion: (about 2000 words) (discussed in weeks 3 - 7) MONASH EDUCATION9 components Underlying theories and models: E.g. (Dunst & Trivette – believes that the family is a social system and that can be enabled to address their own situation, rather than being seen as deficit) Justify why you have used these. Approaches (strength-based approach focusing on social- systems, empowerment, family strengths, social support and help-giving Justify why you have used these. Actions e.g. Family-School consultations (negotiated time, place, length, members); e.g. Family Support Plan (identifying family strengths and aspirations as well as needs – as decided upon with the family) e.g. Online Communication/Collabor ative Apps Justify why you have used these. Assessment Task 1: 2. Main discussion: (about 2000 words) (discussed in weeks 3 - 7) MONASH EDUCATION10 Assessment Task 1 The communication plan will include: 2. Main discussion: (about 2000 words) (discussed in weeks 3 - 7) • What are the main components of the plan, including theoretical models or approaches utilised? • Why are these components chosen? • How will be they implemented? Criteria C2. Description and rationale of the main components of the plan, including theoretical models or approaches utilised. 20% HIGH DISTINCTION. The main components and the rationale of the plan, are masterfully and succinctly articulated, allowing the reader to have a strong sense of the models/approaches utilised. DISTINCTION: The main components and the rationale of the plan, are articulated, allowing the reader to have a good sense of the models/approaches utilised. CREDIT: While the main components and rationale of the plan provided, but there are some minor gaps in understanding these key principles. PASS: While there are some components and rationale of the plan provided, some are not relevant and/or there are gaps that make it MONASH EDUCATION11 difficult for the reader to understand what the approaches are about. Assessment Task 1 The communication plan will include: 2. Main discussion: (about 2000 words) (discussed in weeks 3 - 7) • What are the main components of the plan, including theoretical models or approaches utilised? • Why are these components chosen? • How will be they implemented? Criteria C3. Explanation of the implementation of the plan and approaches utilised. 20% HIGH DISTINCTION. The implementation of the plan, are masterfully and succinctly articulated. DISTINCTION: The implementation of the plan, are articulated. CREDIT: The implementation of the plan, are articulated, but there are some minor gaps in understanding these key principles. PASS: The implementation of the plan, are somewhat articulated, but there are some major gaps in understanding these key principles. MONASH EDUCATION12 Assessment Task 1 The communication plan will include: 3. What are the possible challenges that may be faced and strategies in addressing those challenges? (about 1000 words) (discussed across all weeks 1 - 7) Challenges Identify the challenges (e.g. using online communication/collaborative apps with families might be difficult if they don’t have internet). Strategies to address challenges (e.g. support families in how to find free wifi that is within walking distance; seek support services that can help families to access internet; negotiate with families other ways of collaborating, such as….) MONASH EDUCATION13 Remember to align your strategies with your modelling/theoretical base. Assessment Task 1 The communication plan will include: 3. What are the possible challenges that may be faced and strategies in addressing those challenges? (about 1000 words) (discussed across all weeks 1 - 7) Criteria C4. Discussion of the possible challenges that may be faced and strategies in addressing those challenges 20% HIGH DISTINCTION. The possible challenges that may be faced and strategies in addressing those challenges are masterfully and succinctly articulated. DISTINCTION: The possible challenges that may be faced and strategies in addressing those challenges are articulated. CREDIT: The possible challenges that may be faced and strategies in addressing those challenges are articulated, but there are some minor gaps in understanding the key ideas. PASS: The possible challenges that may be faced and strategies in addressing those challenges are somewhat articulated, but there are some major gaps in understanding the key ideas. MONASH EDUCATION14 Assessment Task 1 MONASH EDUCATION15 4. Conclusion: Write a critical submission of how you would assess the success of this plan, include some ideas for future research. (about 500 words) Possible questions to consider in assessing success How will you assess? What tools will you use (e.g. surveys, interviews, observations, reflections?) Why? What information will the tools give you to know you have been successful? What would be happening to demonstrate you would be successful? What could be researched further? Assessment Task 1 The communication plan will include: 4. Conclusion: Write a critical submission of how you would assess the success of this plan, include some ideas for future research. (about 500 words) Criteria C5. A critical submission of the success of the plan including some ideas for future research. 10% HIGH DISTINCTION. A critical submission of the success of the plan including some ideas for future research, are masterfully and succinctly articulated. DISTINCTION: A critical submission of the success of the plan including some ideas for future research, are articulated. CREDIT: A critical submission of the success of the plan including some ideas for future research, are articulated but there are some minor gaps in the conclusion. PASS: A critical submission of the success of the plan including some ideas for future research, are somewhat outlined with some major gaps in the conclusion. MONASH EDUCATION16 Assessment Tasks MONASH EDUCATION TIPS FOR GOOD WRITING…. Structure – be clear and fluent, use headings and sub-headings but not too many (recommended) On Track - Address the assignment tasks and make sure it makes sense and is coherent and logical. Validate - Include references/citations to support statements throughout your work, make sure references are not too old. Use correct APA 7th referencing conventions at all times so become familiar with this through the online library guides http://guides.lib.monash.edu/citing-referencing/apa http://guides.lib.monash.edu/citing-referencing/apa Assessment Tasks MONASH EDUCATION TIPS FOR GOOD WRITING…. Proof-reading!! (Tip: use a red A4 piece of paper to read every line. This helps to identify errors. Read aloud to yourself for fluency. Get someone else to read it and see if it makes sense to them.) Integrity - Ensure you use your own writing (limit long quotes or number of quotes; use paraphrasing instead and use it well). Check your work through turnitin. Make sure it is less than 20%. Re-submit through turnitin if you need to. Make sure you allow 24 - 48 hours for turnitin to produce a report. Assessment Task 1 Use of English Language and structure Criteria C6. Demonstrate standard of English language including spelling, grammar, sentence structure and punctuation. 10% HIGH DISTINCTION. The communicative plan is presented to a very high academic standard, with flawless sentence structuring, spelling, excellent grammar and correct use of punctuation. DISTINCTION: The communicative plan is presented to a high academic standard, with only minor errors in spelling, grammar, sentence structure and punctuation. Proper proofreading is recommended in the future. CREDIT: The communicative plan is mostly well presented, although a number of errors in spelling, grammar, sentence structure and punctuation were detected. Careful proofreading and engagement with academic language resources on Moodle is strongly recommended. PASS: The communicative plan
May 20, 2022

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