Week 86090Posta response to the following:Describe the differences between avoidant/restrictive eating disorder, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder.Explain the...

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Week 8

Posta response to the following:

  • Describe the differences between avoidant/restrictive eating disorder, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder.

  • Explain the significance of these disorders being mutually exclusive.

  • Explain how pica differs from the other disorders in this category.

  • What diagnosis would you give clients who do not meet the diagnostic criteria for a specific feeding and eating disorder but who do need treatment?

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Respondto at leasttwoof your colleagues’ postings in one or more of the following ways:

  • Address a colleague’s analysis and evaluation of the topic(s).

  • Expand or remark upon a colleague’s integration of relevant resources.

  • Answer question(s) posed by your colleague for further discussion.

  • Link a colleague’s posting to other postings or to course materials and concepts, where appropriate and relevant.

  • Extend or constructively challenge your colleague’s work.

  • Otherwise expand upon your colleagues’ postings.

Answered 1 days AfterJul 17, 2024

Answer To: Week 86090Posta response to the following:Describe the differences between...

Parul answered on Jul 18 2024
6 Votes
Dear All,
I trust you are doing great! I feel so excited to contribute to this week’s discussion as the topic of dietary issues and
how is it linked to mental well-being so crucial in today’s modern age
Avoidant/Prohibitive Food Admission Issue (ARFID)
Key traits: A complete denial or perhaps lack of awareness about a massive weight loss. In this focus is on more oral diet and enhancement rather than a thorough psychosocial working.
Key Highlights: Apathy toward eating, evasion in view of tactile qualities of food, or worry about aversive outcomes of eating (e.g., gagging).
Unmistakable Variables: Not driven by self-perception or feeling of dread toward putting on weight.
Anorexia Nervosa
Qualities: Limitation of energy admission comparative with necessities, prompting essentially low body weight; extreme feeling of dread toward putting on weight or becoming fat; aggravation in the manner in which one's body weight or shape is capable.
Subtypes: Limiting sort (weight reduction accomplished through consuming less calories, fasting, and additionally exorbitant activity) and pigging out/cleansing sort (taking part in gorging or cleansing way of behaving).
Key Highlights: Drive for slimness, misshaped self-perception, and a critical feeling of dread toward weight gain.
Pigging out Confusion

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