Week 3 individual AssignmentTake the Big 5 Personality Inventory on p. 387 in our book.Write a 400- to 600-word summary of your personality, as described by the Big 5Inventory. Discuss the upsides and the downsides of the pattern of the fivedimensions or traits of your personality. We know that three of the Big5âconscientiousness, openness, and extroversionâare closely associated withleadership effectiveness. How do your scores reflect your readiness to become aleader? Include a reflection about how your personality shapes your behaviortoward work, school, and teamwork.Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top ofthis page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-stepinstructions.See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments& Exams” for due date information.Rubric (professor has the discretion to award points asdeemed reasonable)Complete, well thought-out answer tapping into requiredcontent, arguments well presented, all parts responded to adequately, nosignificant errors: 40/40Many points made, but some connection to content missing,one part not answered, incomplete discussion: 34/40Some points made, but some connection to content missing,incomplete and/or limited discussion: 26/40Limited discussion, limited points: 18/40Poor in every way: 5-10/40For grammatical and spelling errors, student may loseadditional points.
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