Web Application Development HW_9
Your goal is to create a professional-looking Web application that uses Flask + React along with PostgreSQL as the data store. The application will be a single-page application (SPA) that communicates—for the most part— asynchronously with the Flask server. React and Bootstrap will serve as the front-end for your application.
Computer Club meeting minutes and document storage system
1.) Users should be able to register and then log in and log out. You cannot use the Flask-Login package to do logins. You must create your own login functionality. Logins should require the user name and a password. Passwords do not need to be encrypted for this assignment. You may store in them in the database in cleartext.
2.) Users may be made “admin” by another admin “so you need at least one admin to start”.
3.) Admin users should be able to upload meeting minutes for any month in any year. There should be only one set of minutes per month and uploading will overwrite any previous minutes.
4.) Admin users should be able to upload the Computer Club constitution.
5.) All users can download any of the items mentioned in #’s 3 and 4.
6.) All users should be able to upload photos with tags assigned to each photo.
7.) Photos should be query-able using their tags.
Application must be SPA’s with “tabs” separating #’s 3 and 4 from #’s 6 and 7. Only one page is allowed. JavaScript, CSS, React, and Bootstrap should be used to manage the application within a single HTML page. The look-and-feel of the application should be professional. Common elements should look the same. Elements should have a consistent spacing between them. Graphics and other visual elements should be professionally appealing.