We will begin the vacation program with building our first two classes with instance variables. Please use the attached Hotel.java and Guest.java files to create your constructor and instance...

We will begin the vacation program with building our first two classes with instance variables. Please use the attached Hotel.java and Guest.java files to create your constructor and instance variables.

Hotel Requirements

The package name will be hotelPackage

Create two instance variables

String variable called hotelName

integer variable called numOfRooms

Create a constructor

The constructor will initialize your instance variables

The constructor will have arguments that relate to the numOfRooms and hotelName

Guest Requirements

The Guest class will be in a new package called guestPackage

Instance Variables

Create a variable name of type String

Create a variable creditCardNum of type int

Create a variable daysVacationing of type int

Create Constructor

The constructor will initialize your instance variables


Submit the .java files called Hotel.java and Guest.java .Do notsubmit a zip file or project file.


May 18, 2022

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