We weren't assigned 6-12 so I just need help writing the binary search algorithm and the program to test the program. Any help is appreciated, C++...

We weren't assigned 6-12 so I just need help writing the binary search algorithm and the program to test the program. Any help is appreciated, C++

// Name : PE_16-15.cpp
// Author : Put_YOUR_NAME_Here
//CSC 155-001 : Lab 09 - CSC 155 - CS Dept. Oakton Community College
// Description : Write a version of the binary search algorithm that can be used to search a string vector object.
// Must use the selection sort algorithm you developed in Programming Exercise 16-12 to sort the vector.
// Also, write a program to test your algorithm.


using namespace std;

int binarySearch(vector list, string searchItem);
void selectionSort(vector& list);

int main()
vector nameList;

string name;

int index;

cout < "enter="" first="" names="" (zzz="" to="" end="" the="" input):"=""><>

cin >> name;

while (name != "zzz")

cin >> name;


cout <>


cout < "enter="" the="" name="" to="" be="" searched:="">

cin >> name;

cout <>

index = binarySearch(nameList, name);

if (index != -1)

cout < name="">< "="" is="" found="" in="" the="" list."=""><>


cout < name="">< "="" is="" not="" in="" the="" list."=""><>

return 0;


int binarySearch(vector list, string searchItem)

/* Write your code here */

}//end binarySearch

void selectionSort(vector& list)
/* Write your code here: */
/* Must be your solution to Programming Exercise 6-12 */

Jun 09, 2022

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