We have seen how easy the scikit-learn API is to navigate, making it a cinch to change which algorithm we are using for our model. Rebuild the red wine quality model that we created in this chapter using an SVM instead of logistic regression. We haven't discussed this model, but you should still be able to use it in scikitlearn. Check out the link in the Further reading section to learn more about the algorithm. Some guidance for this exercise is as follows: a) You will need to use the SVC (support vector classifier) class from scikitlearn, which can be found at https://scikit-learn.org/stable/ modules/generated/sklearn.svm.SVC.html. b) Use C=5 as an argument to the SVC constructor. c) Pass probability=True to the SVC constructor to be able to use the predict_proba() method. d) Build a pipeline first using the StandardScaler class and then the SVC class. e) Be sure to look at the classification report, precision-recall curve, and confusion matrix for the model.
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