We can gain an appreciation of the information that comes to us through our sensory perceptual systems by artificially limiting that information. Working with a partner, try these activities: 1. Play...

We can gain an appreciation of the information that comes to us through our sensory perceptual systems by artificially limiting that information. Working with a partner, try these activities:

1. Play catch in an old pair of sunglasses with tape covering one lens.

2. Walk down a hallway while blindfolded (with your partner guiding you for safety).

3. Facing away from your partner, carry on a conversation while wearing a pair of earplugs as your partner slowly increases the distance between the two of you.

Afterward, discuss what tasks were difficult or impossible and what the implications would be for daily living—for example, attending a university, driving a car, or playing intramural sports.

May 04, 2022

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