We can also examine the actors and the cliques simultaneously. Referred to as the bimodal method, we want to use one of the output files created during the run of the clique analysis in Problem 2...

We can also examine the actors and the cliques simultaneously. Referred to as the bimodal method, we want to use one of the output files created during the run of the clique analysis in Problem 2 above. This involves the clique participation matrix, which if using the naming method outlined above would be named “Clique Participationcampnet-maxsym.##h”. Go to NetDraw and click on File|Open|2_Mode network. Enter the clique participation network and click OK. What does this bimodal representation inform us about the subgroupings in the network?


Initially we want to identify the cliques in the network. In UCINET go to Network|Subgroup|Cliques… and input the file “campnetmaxsym.##h”. Be sure to name all the output files accordingly. For example, you might want to add the name of the network to the output file default name as in “CliqueOverlapcampnet-maxsym”. Once the file has been loaded and the output files properly named click OK. Be sure to save the “ucinetlog” for later use. How many cliques are there? Are actors members of more than one clique?

May 19, 2022

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