Watch two videos featuring the performance of a twentieth century music composition. Your choices must be from the twentieth or twenty-first century classical tradition, such as solo, orchestral or chamber music performances,notpop, rock, or jazz. Please note that this assignment is not a 20th or 21st century performance of music from the Classical era - students should watch videos of music that was composed in the twentieth or twenty-first century. The music chosen for this assignment needs to have been written in the twentieth or twenty-first century, so it is important tonotchoose music that was composed before the twentieth century. You can either choose two compositions written by the same composer or a composition from two different twentieth or twenty-first century composers. If you are not sure if your choices fit the requirements, be sure to ask in the Questions thread or by sending a personal message to your instructor. The following is a list of possible choices for composers for this assignment. You are not required to choose a composer from this list as long as your choices are composers from the twentieth or twenty-first century.
The two composers I am choosing areSergei Rachmaninoff andArnold Bax. Choose compositions from these two composers.
For each of the two videos, discuss how each composition reflects the six basics of melody, harmony, texture, rhythm, timbre, and form. You can refer to “Tools” in the course text for detailed information about each of these musical terms. Please also address how the composer's music reflects the culture and/or time period in which he or she lived. This aspect of the assignment should include information from academic sources about the musical style of your chosen composer/s that is cited. The videos should be cited in the body of the text and in a reference page.
There is no specific word count requirement for this assignment - just be sure you are addressing all of the required elements. This paper should be written in paragraph form using complete sentences with a clear introduction and conclusion. In addition to these elements, please be sure to fulfill the Requirements for Writing Assignments (see below), including citing all sources (including the performances) both in the body of the text and in a reference page. Please note that MLA is the standard citation style in the humanities. Here are some good sources of information forEvaluating Online Resources,Citing Sources, andWriting & Grammar Resources. Papers will be evaluated according to the followingShort Paper grading iRubric. Please review and utilize this grading rubric in order to maximize points earned on this assignment.
Please consider the following:
- This assignment is due by Sunday of Week 5 at 11:55pm (Eastern time).Please note that late submissions will be automatically downgraded.
- Double check that your attachment is in .doc, .docx or .rtf format as explained in Requirements for Written Assignments (see above link).
- DISCLAIMER: Originality of attachments will be verified by Turnitin. Both you and your instructor will receive the results.
- I am looking forward to reading your analysis of twentieth century compositions. Let me know if you have any questions about this assignment.
- Content applies to subject matter.
- Demonstrates knowledge and comprehension of major issues and concepts.
- Content reflects the use of analysis, synthesis, and comparison.
- Major points are stated clearly and are developed and supported by specific details, examples, research, or analysis supported by information from scholarly sources.
- Response has an organized and logical structure with an introduction and conclusion.
- Smooth sentence and paragraph transitions.
- Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.
- Response follows standard rules of grammar, usage, punctuation, and spelling.
- Any material referenced is properly cited with both in-text citations and references formatted in MLA style. Here is an excellent website for citing in MLA:
- For papers submitted as attachments, formatting should be double-spaced with margins no more than 1 inch. Please use 10 or 12 pt. fonts.
- Papers submitted as attachments must be .doc, .docx or .rtf files. File formats can be changed by going to the "File" drop-down menu and clicking on "Save As." Please note that papers submitted in any other format will not be accepted or graded. Papers must be submitted in the proper format to be considered on time.