Walgreens store chain has decided to update their Point of Sale Cash Register system. Your job is to program the next version of EZ Cash Register in 3 hours or less!! Here are the requirements of the...

Walgreens store chain has decided to update their Point of Sale Cash Register system. Your job is to program the next version of EZ Cash Register in 3 hours or less!! Here are the requirements of the program.The program has 4 major functionality. User may choose any one of the features, one after the other. You need a while loop. Inside the while loop program asks user what he/she wants to do and based on the choice of the user, program carries out the task [30]. You will need to keep a running total for the money in the cash register. This way we can take a report at any point and see how much money the cash register contains.[40]Feature #1: Make a New SaleA customer walks to the cash register with a basket of items. The cashier has your program running. Cashier inputs the number of items in the shopping basket to the program. Then for each item, cashier enters the product code of the item and the unit price. Product code is an integer number. Unit price is a currency.If product code is less than 100, that means the product is sold by weight (pound). If a product is sold by weight, program needs to ask cashier the price per pound and the weight of the item. Program, then, computes the price of that item by multiplying weight with price per pound. If the item does not require weighing, that means we sell it by piece, in which case the program asks for the price of the item and applies 10% tax to it. Weighed items do not have tax.You should have a function, let�s call it MakeSale(), that accepts no arguments and returns the total amount of the sale (including tax). All the input needed to make a sale should be requested from user inside MakeSale() function.[30]Feature #2: Cash OutCashier may need to take cash out of the cash register, in which case cashier chooses �Cash Out� option. This feature will ask the cashier amount of money being taken out of the cash register. This amount will be subtracted from the running total money in the cash register.[30]Feature #3: Cash InThis is similar to Cash Out, but in this case cashier wants to put money inside the cash register without making a sale. The amount should beadded to the running total money of the cash register.[30]Feature #4: Report

We can choose report option which will tell us how many sales have made since the launch of the program and what is the total amount of money in the cash register.[10]Feature #5: ExitWe can exit the program using this feature :�)[30] Indentations and comments

May 19, 2022

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