W1: Capstone Assignment Hide Submission Folder Information Turnitin™ This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™. Instructions Assignment Instructions The proposal of Topic, the Problem, and the...

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W1: Capstone Assignment

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Assignment Instructions

The proposal of Topic, the Problem, and the Solution:


The Purpose of the Capstones is to demonstrate competencies in the major objectives learned throughout the coursework in IT, IS, or SE through the development of a project plan in CS 480 and the implementation of that plan in CS 481.Reference back to the CS 400 for details required for the project plan and the coursework in your major for the details to be implemented in the plan and project.

As with any project the end result must be accomplished by the deadline and the task maximizing the effort in the time allotted, the 8-week term. The deadline for the complete project proposal is the end of Capstone I and the end of Capstone 2 for the projectimplementation. You can look ahead in Capstone I to see what is required each week and in Capstone II the timeline is based on your project timeline specified in Capstone I. The Discussion Questions may help with the choice as well.

This week starts the process by choosing a topic and making a business proposal to provide a technological solution.


MS Word


In this assignment, the goal is to develop an initial business proposal for your project.

The work should be contained in a single Word document and submit it to the correlating assignment submissions folder.

Capstone Assignment

The proposal of Topic, the Problem, and the Solution:

The first thing we need to do is pick a topic for our capstone projects. The DQ question on brainstorming should help and you can also get with your capstone instructor and discuss possible topics in IS, IT, or SE. You should then do some brief research to determine what is required to solve the problem of your choice.

The topic is open, however certain goals must be achieved in capstone I and II.

The overarching project must contain at minimum:

  1. A computer system (virtual is OK)

  2. An OS

  3. A Database

  4. Webserver

  5. A User / Web Interface to the DB and the software application

  6. NetworkConnected

Once a topic is chosen, write up the proposal of the topic, problem and general solution to the problem.

The following information is included in this business proposal:

  • Introduction/background

  • Business objective

  • Current situation and problem/opportunity statement

  • Critical assumptions and constraints

  • Analysis of options and recommendation

  • Preliminary project requirements

  • Budget estimate and financial analysis

  • Schedule estimate

  • Potential risks

  • Exhibits

Once a topic is agreed upon, submit the proposal page summary of the topic and the ideato the Assignment Submission folderin Word .docx format.

When complete, upload the required documents and submit your assignment


  1. CS 400 Project Management

  2. Prerequisite Courses - Common: UIU CS 102, CS 122, CS 130, CS 332, and CS 342

  3. Prerequisite Courses - IT and SE Common: , CS 205-6, CS 212-3

  4. Prerequisite Courses - IS: Math 105-7, Math 220, Business Minor, IS 310 and IS 320

  5. Prerequisite Courses - IT: Math 105-7, Math 220, Math 115, Math 206 IT 310-11, IT 320

  6. Prerequisite Courses - SE: Math Minor, SE 200, SE 300 and SE 310

Answered 2 days AfterAug 29, 2022

Answer To: W1: Capstone Assignment Hide Submission Folder Information Turnitin™ This assignment will be...

Shubham answered on Sep 01 2022
72 Votes
Baby tracker applications can provide a simple and streamline way for tracking the daily health and habits of a baby. The application can track feeding, sleep pattern and diaper changes. The application can also track all
important information that can be shared with caregivers and doctors. In many situations, new parents get stressed about the health and feeding activities of the baby that can become chaotic things. The application can help in many such things and it can help in giving a clearer picture of baby heath and it can be a great problem solver for parents.
The application will have a simple UI for logging and recording all aspects of the child. The simple UX can help parents in documenting a newborn feeding activity and diaper changing. The application will have easy tracking for feeding, diaper change and sleep. The application can be shared with both parents as it will have the facility of device-to-device synchronization that can help in keeping both parents on the same page. Activity logging can be the core feature that can help in tracking all activities of a baby.
Business objective
The business objective of baby tracking applications can help in providing seamless experience to new parents and it can track every piece of information that is relevant to the baby. It can provide an easy way for sharing details and recording memorable milestones of babies that can be shared with friends and family. This can be the way for helping an exhausted mother and getting a buddy that can handle every important detail of the baby and it can facilitate them to enjoy motherhood. This application is very important for busy parents because it provides a simple way for tracking the routine habits of the baby and records all requirements of the baby. Even parents can record the baby's diaper change time, sleeping pattern and feeding time along with added details and even photos (Ramesh, Savathri, et al. 2019). The application can track and log information about diaper change, doctor visit, height, weight and speed. This will also include additional features to embrace growth, nursing progress and time.
The application is suitable for mothers for carrying out daily operations of the baby like meal, bottle feeding and baths. It can help parents in getting timeline, graphs and reports for depicting newborn eating habits. This allows users and parents for logging with baby information and offers...

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