VSC-Moodle: Community College of Vermont 42 anantecubital Placing the tourniquet on tghe to beginih tighter d. Any of these wil work Having the patent vgorously open and close neir tet E decreased...

VSC-Moodle: Community College of Vermont 42 anantecubital Placing the tourniquet on tghe to beginih tighter d. Any of these wil work Having the patent vgorously open and close neir tet E decreased creainine levels d increased glucese evels Check Needle phobias can be so intense that the patient may ud t of 2 .00 Select one any of these d. die eto 45 When pertorming a tinger stick, which activity (of the choices listed below) should be done frst? Marked our 2.00 Select one: a identifying the patient b. Assembing your supplies at the bedside c. Checking to see you have the correct lancet (for the size of the patient) d. Explaining the procedure to the patient Check uetion 46 In the anatomical position which of the the suggested Not complete anatomical parts is most distal? Marked out of 2.00 Flag queason Select one a. shouder b. elbow c. fingers d wrist @ Edt question 11/20/14,8:31 A

May 19, 2022

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