Vocabulary Homework Guidelines Vocabulary Homework Guidelines Homework Vocabulary Homework: On the weeks you are assigned vocabulary homework, you will be responsible for 67 words each week. That’s...

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Vocabulary Homework Guidelines Vocabulary Homework Guidelines Homework Vocabulary Homework: On the weeks you are assigned vocabulary homework, you will be responsible for 67 words each week. That’s right! By the end of this semester you will be familiar with 670 words. Some words do repeat throughout the list to reinforce learning and you are already familiar with many of these words. Familiarize yourself with the various forms (adjective, adverbial, noun, verb, etc.) of each word. (i.e., number 2 on the list is analogy. Know related forms: analogous, analogue, analogic, analogical, analogically, analogist.) Although the word appears on your list in one form, it may appear on a quiz or exam in another form. Your homework should contain each of the following: • Relate 20 of your vocabulary words to real issues in society today or from the past, include examples of REAL newspaper articles, radio or TV shows using the words. Be sure to underline the vocabulary words so they are easily recognized. o (Examples: § 1. One reason why recycling is critical is because our landfills are teeming with garbage. § 2. “Happily, reader, you and I are cool, hip, insouciant types who cannot be bothered to care a whit about things like the transit times of imaginary armies, and we will happily accept this piece of information without even the merest hint of indignation, OK? -’Game of Thrones’ Season 8, Episode 5: ‘Let It Be Fear’ NPR article by Glen Weldon, May 13, 2019) • Write a short story (3 – 5 paragraphs) with 15 of your vocabulary words. Have fun and be creative! Include an opening, problem/solution, closing, and illustration. All 15 vocabulary words need to be in the same story. Underline each vocabulary word so they are easily recognized. • Create an illustrated dictionary for 15 of your vocabulary words. Each entry should have the definition and an accompanying picture. Compose your homework in one Word document and upload it to the corresponding week’s dropbox. This means that each homework assignment will include 50 of the 67 assigned vocabulary words. Choose any of the words from that week’s list to make up the 50. You cannot repeat words, so pick 50 DIFFERENT words to complete each week’s homework assignment. Vocabulary homework is due day 5 (Friday) by 11:59 pm. Vocabulary List (Updated Aug 2019) 1. Accolade praise 2. Allusion indirect reference 3. Ambivalence uncertainty; having 'mixed' feelings 4. Ambivalent unable to decide 5. Analogy comparison 6. Anecdote short account of something interesting; story 7. Anomalous odd; not fitting the pattern 8. Apparition ghost; something that 'appears' 9. Aspersion negative feeling; damaging remark 10. Belligerence aggression 11. Bombastic too elaborate; exaggerated 12. Candid truthful 13. Capricious changeable; fickle 14. Cherished cared for; firmly-held 15. Cliche overused expression 16. Conception 1. idea; view. 2. beginning of pregnancy 17. Convoluted complicated or long-winded 18. Credence belief 19. Cryptic hidden 20. Currency 1. widespread acceptance, 2. money 21. Decorous good and correct (used of behavior) 22. Denunciation act of speaking out against 23. Derailed thrown off course 24. Derivative unoriginal 25. Despotic acting like a tyrant 26. Detritus rubbish 27. Diaphanous very thin and transparent 28. Dictum often-used saying 29. Dilettante person who dabbles in the arts 30. Disdained showed contempt for 31. Dispassionate unbiased; fair 32. Dowager an elderly woman of elevate social status 33. Dubious doubtful 34. Egalitarian equal; believer in equality 35. Elicit draw out (used mainly for information or feelings) 36. Elliptical 1. shaped like an ellipse, 2. indirect 37. Epitomizes acts as a typical example of 38. Equivocate speak ambiguously/vaguely 39. Evasiveness trying to avoid something 40. Explicitly very clear; nothing hidden 41. Foraging searching for food 42. Hypothetical based on guesswork; not proven 43. Iconoclast person who goes against accepted authority 44. Idiosyncratic quirky; unique to an individual 45. Imponderable cannot be understood 46. Indecorous not well-behaved; lacking in dignity 47. Indigence extreme poverty 48. Inept clumsy 49. Inherent inbuilt; genetic 50. Intricate complicated 51. Irrefutable cannot be proved wrong 52. Jingoism using words to stir up exaggerated patriotism 53. Jubilant joyful 54. Judicious fair and equal 55. Lament express regret over something 56. Loquacious talkative; using too many words 57. Mendicancy begging 58. Metaphorical not literal; figurative 59. Milieu environment; surroundings 60. Mitigated made less severe 61. Nascent just begun; in an early stage of development 62. Nostalgia longing for the past 63. Obtrusive easily seen 64. Orthographical concerned with writing and spelling 65. Ossified become fixed and rigid 66. Ostentatious showy 67. Palpable can be felt 68. Pastoral 1. concerned with the countryside, 2. concerned with the care a pastor gives to someone 69. Pedestrian 1. boring (adj), 2. person who walks (n) 70. Perfidy treachery; betrayal 71. Profligacy wasteful and immoral behavior 72. Prohibitive very expensive 73. Prudence wisdom; caution 74. Pugnacious aggressive 75. Purveyor one who sells something or causes something to spread 76. Resonance echo 77. Respite break (from work etc.) 78. Resurgence revival 79. Sparse thin; not thick 80. Stringent strict 81. Succumbing giving in to; falling under the influence of 82. Supercilious arrogant 83. Tenacity firmness of purpose 84. Transcend go beyond a limit 85. Variegated multicolored 86. Venerable worthy of respect 87. Viable workable; able to live or grow 88. Visceral concerned with the 'guts'; physical rather than mental 89. Ambivalent undecided; having 'mixed' feelings 90. Apathy lack of energy or interest 91. Autonomy self-government 92. Benevolent kindly 93. Blanched turned pale 94. Bolster give support to 95. Bucolic concerned with the countryside and farming 96. Callous cruel and unfeeling 97. Cantankerous bad tempered 98. Capricious changeable; fickle 99. Chicanery trickery; attempt to deceive 100. Churlish ill-mannered 101. Cohesive forming a whole; 'sticking' together 102. Concur agree 103. Cryptic hidden; obscure 104. Decimation extensive destruction 105. Deft skilful 106. Delinquency wrong-doing 107. Depravity moral corruption 108. Desolate lonely; devoid of life; feeling very sad and hopeless 109. Devoid of empty of 110. Didactic intending to teach or give instructions 111. Disingenuous crafty 112. Dispassionate unbiased 113. Disposition tendency; personality 114. Dissent disagreement 115. Effusive overly expressive of emotions; 'gushing' 116. Endorse support 117. Enigma puzzle 118. Enumerate count out; list 119. Ephemeral short-lived 120. Erroneous wrong 121. Erudition great knowledge or learning 122. Esoteric obscure 123. Fabrication something made up; untrue 124. Facetious cheeky; not to be taken seriously 125. Factions sides in a dispute; groups with common interests 126. Flotsam floating rubbish 127. Fostered encouraged 128. Hackneyed stale and over-used 129. Harbored held [as in 'harbored and idea'] 130. Hodgepodge strange mixture 131. Hypothetical not proven; based on guesswork 132. Impetuous impulsive 133. Implacable cannot be appeased; relentless 134. Impugned challenged; attacked in words 135. Incorrigible cannot be corrected (of behavior) 136. Indigenous native to a particular place 137. Ineffable cannot be expressed in words 138. Irascible easily angered 139. Ironic unexpected 140. Lament express regret 141. Languid having no energy or interest 142. Lassitude lack of energy 143. Lugubrious mournful; very sad 144. Mercurial rapidly changing 145. Misnomer wrong name for something 146. Mollified calmed; pacified 147. Multifaceted having many aspects 148. Mundane dull; ordinary 149. Nostalgic longing for the past 150. Obtrusive easily seen; 'sticking out' 151. Omnipotent all powerful 152. Pedagogy science of teaching 153. Phlegmatic calm 154. Plausible believable 155. Precursor fore-runner; earlier version 156. Preeminence fame; top position 157. Pretentious putting on an act 158. Prognosis outlook 159. Prolific producing a lot 160. Provocative provoking 161. Raiment clothes; garments 162. Reciprocate pay back 163. Reconcile bring disputing side together again 164. Remiss wrong 165. Remonstrance criticism 166. Resilient able to spring back; strong 167. Retrenchment reducing staff or forces; conserving resources 168. Robust firm and strong 169. Skeptical doubtful 170. Skewed distorted; bent 171. Stringent strict 172. Subtle not obvious 173. Succinct clear, short and well-expressed 174. Sundry miscellaneous 175. Sustenance support; food 176. Tenable can be held (of an opinion, for example) 177. Tenuous shaky; not firm 178. Torrid hot and steamy 179. Undermine attempt to overthrow; weaken 180. Underscore emphasize 181. Unequivocal clear; cannot be misunderstood 182. Vector carrier (of disease, for example) 183. Verbose wordy 184. Whimsical fickle; changeable 185. Wistful full of sadness and longing 186. Abashed ashamed or sorry 187. Allusion indirect reference 188. Ambivalent undecided; unclear 189. Analogous similar to 190. Anecdote short account/story 191. Annihilated wiped out 192. Anomalies oddities; things that don't fit the pattern 193. Antipodes places on opposite sides of the globe 194. Apprehension worry; nervousness 195. Arduous hard and difficult 196. Articulate (adj.) able to express something well in words 197. Assuage to make less 198. Auspicious fortunate; indicative of a successful outcome 199. Avuncular acting like an uncle; kindly 200. Axiom something that is taken to be true; basic idea that can't be questioned 201. Banal dull; unoriginal 202. Bellicose aggressive
Answered Same DayFeb 18, 2021

Answer To: Vocabulary Homework Guidelines Vocabulary Homework Guidelines Homework Vocabulary Homework: On the...

Azra S answered on Feb 19 2021
144 Votes
Part 1- Words with examples
1- Accolade
The science world has added an unusual tribute to the long list of accolades bestowed on ex-president Nelson
Mandela, naming a prehistoric woodpecker after him.
2- Analogy
Now the analogy between this change and the change from the Roman patriciate to the later Roman nobilitas is obvious.
3- Bombastic
CPM general secretary Sitaram Yechury Thursday alleged that the Economic Survey is full of “bombastic” claims and “grandiose” declarations, but lacks basic facts.
4- Candid
Saudi Arabian officials have been quite candid in saying that the major purpose of their arms is to protect their vast underground treasure.
5- Capricious
U.S. District Judge David C. Norton of South Carolina, an appointee of President George H.W. Bush, gave the Trump administration a tongue lashing, calling its approach “evasive,” in addition to being “arbitrary and capricious.”
6- Credence
Kelpler’s extensive response and Galileo’s book have afforded an unusual opportunity to examine the way in which scientific theories gained credence among scientists.
7- Conception
Her conception of modernity did not include all of feminist philosophy
8- Currency
The authorities are striving in vain to stabilize the currency
9- Decorous
The high-ranking pair unashamedly enjoyed shocking their more decorous neighbors, especially Sir Phillip and Lady De Geoffrey, who came next.
10- Disdained
She expressed disdain at the adulation the industry gives to beauty over talent.

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