Visual Studio 2019 Franks Software Sales Assignment You have been hired by Franks Software Sales to write a program to figure the total cost to customers that order Slappy’s software packages....

Visual Studio 2019

Franks Software Sales Assignment
You have been hired by Franks Software Sales to write a program to figure the
total cost to customers that order Slappy’s software packages.
Discounts are given based on the number of units sold:
Number of Units Sold Discount Amount
1 – 9 None
10 – 19 20%
20 – 49 30%
50 – 99 40%
100 or more 50%
Create a form similar to this:
The three boxes are labels. Remember to use the Auto Size and Border Style
The program should read the number of units sold and figure a base cost. The
units cost $99 each. A discount should then be figured and subtracted from the
base cost. The subtotal, discount amount and total cost should be displayed, as
currency, in the appropriate labels.
Here are some screen shots of the running program:
Set the tab order and access keys.
Put comments in your program as to what each section is doing.
Use constants for the discount rates and base price.

Enter the number of units sold:<br>Subtotal:<br>Discount:<br>Total:<br>Calculate<br>Exit<br>

Extracted text: Enter the number of units sold: Subtotal: Discount: Total: Calculate Exit
Enter the number of units sold:<br>2<br>Enter the number of units sold:<br>55<br>Subtotal:<br>$198.00<br>Subtotal:<br>$5,445.00<br>Discount:<br>$0.00<br>Discount:<br>$2,178.00<br>Total:<br>$198.00<br>Total:<br>$3,267.00<br>Calculate<br>Exit<br>Calculate<br>Exit<br>

Extracted text: Enter the number of units sold: 2 Enter the number of units sold: 55 Subtotal: $198.00 Subtotal: $5,445.00 Discount: $0.00 Discount: $2,178.00 Total: $198.00 Total: $3,267.00 Calculate Exit Calculate Exit

Jun 09, 2022

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