Visual basic (Console) Edit the source code by adding a class that computes for the area of 3 rectangle and display results. Source Code Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim length As Single = 0.0F Dim...

Visual basic (Console)

Edit the source code by
adding a class that computes for the area of 3 rectangle and display results.

Source Code

Module Module1

Sub Main()

Dim length As Single = 0.0F
Dim breadth As Single = 0.0F
Dim area As Single = 0.0F

Console.Write("Enter the length of rectangle: ")
length = Single.Parse(Console.ReadLine())

Console.Write("Enter the breadth of rectangle: ")
breadth = Single.Parse(Console.ReadLine())

area = length * breadth

Console.WriteLine("Area of ractangle: {0}", area)

End Sub

End Module

Jun 10, 2022

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