MA5821 Visual Analytics for Data Scientists using SAS Assignment 2 Content Name:Advantagesanddisadvantagesofdifferentpandemicmodelsusedtomonitorprogressionof...

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Visual Analytics for Data Scientists

MA5821 Visual Analytics for Data Scientists using SAS Assignment 2 Content Name:Advantagesanddisadvantagesofdifferentpandemicmodelsusedtomonitorprogressionof SARS-CoV-2(thevirusthatcausesCOVID-19). Type: Literaturereview Issued: 8:00PMAESTMondayofWeek1 Due: 11:59PMAESTSundayofWeek6 Weight: 40% Length: 2000words+/-10% Submissionmethod:PDFsubmissiontoLearnJCU Overview Thisassessmentasksyoutodemonstrateyourabilitytoconductaliteraturereviewtoevaluatea currentstatisticaltechniqueswithexamples.Thestatisticalmodelsbeinginvestigatedarethose mostcommonlyusedforunderstandingtheprogressionandlikelyimpactoftheSARS-CoV-2(the virusthatcausesCOVID-19)pandemic. Learning outcomes Relatedsubjectlearningoutcome: • LO6:Conductawrittenreviewofacurrentstatisticaltechniquetoestablishacritical baselineunderstandingoftheacademicresearchwithregardstoanewtrend. Specificallythisassessmentevaluatesyourabilityto: • Examinearangeofotherresourcessuchaspublishedacademicresearch,practitioner literature,publiccommentary(e.g.,blogs,wikis)andpublicationsfromprivatelyfunded organisations. Work-based skills Thisassessmentrelatestothefollowingwork-basedskills: 1. Theabilitytoevaluateandwritealiteraturereviewisanimportantskillwhichishighlysort afterinmostorganisationsduringstrategyworkandimpactanalysis. 2. Thisactivitywilltrainthedatascientisttogetabalancedanddeepunderstandingofwhat hasalreadybeensaidorbeingproposedaboutaparticulartopicorissue. Background Literaturereviewsareusedinacademiatoestablishacriticalbaselineunderstandingofthe academicresearchthathasalreadybeenpublishedonaparticulartopicthatoftenhasaparticular focusforcurrentresearch.Aliteraturereviewexploresbothtypesofsourcesonagiventopicin ordertoinvestigate,compareandevaluateavailablematerialonthetopic. Task Yourtaskinthisassignmentistoidentifyandevaluatetheliteratureonacurrenttrendorissueof strategicimportancetodecisionmakers. Yourtrendorissueforthisassignmentisidentifyingthekeyliteratureon: “DiscusstheadvantagesanddisadvantagesofpandemicmodellingofSARS-CoV-2(thevirusthatcauses COVID-19)” Topicsyoumightconsideruseful(butarenotrestrictedto)include: • Thebenefitsandchallengesofusingsusceptible-infected-recovered(SIR)inoutbreak scienceandpandemicpreparedness • Projectionsoftransmission • diseaseburdenandinfectioncontrol • VariantsontheSIR(e.gSCIRorothertypesofsimulationmodels) • Note: • Youdecideonthefocusandscopeofyourinvestigation. • Theliteraturereviewisessentiallyananalysisoftheliteratureonaparticularsubject.Check themarkingcriteria. • Readtheresourcesandcasestudiesprovided. Includethefollowingelementsinyourpaper: • Astatementaboutthetrendorissueanditssignificancefordatascience; • Areviewoftheliteraturethatexaminesarangeofresearchaboutthetrendorissue,thatis, considersmultipleperspectives • Basedonyourreviewofthedataandliterature,considertheimpactthistrendorissue mighthaveonyourfutureroleasadatascientist. Resources for this assignment Thefollowingtaskswillsupportyouincompletingthisassessment: • ReadtheO-WeektopicPreparingforAssessment2–Literaturereviewsforbackground materialonwritingandstructuringaliteraturereview • WatchthewebinarLiteratureReviews:AnOverviewforGraduateStudents(9m38s)foran overviewofdataandliteraturereviews • Exploreaninfographicontypesofpublications:Identifyingscholarlyarticles • StudytheExternalanalysisresearchframeworkforwritingaLiteratureReview • ReadtheJCUassignmentguideHowtowritealiteraturereview(PDF,79KB) • UsetheJCUlibraryforliteraturesearch • UsetheJCUlibraryAPAReferencingGuide • ExploreindependentresearchpublicationsatAcademia • ExploreindependentresearchpublicationsatResearchGate. Submission guidelines IfyouuseMSWordoranyotherprogram,saveyourworkasapdfforsubmission. YoursubmissionforAssessment2shouldbeuploadedtoLearnJCUastwo(2)separatefiles: 1. Thetaskcoversheet 2. YourworkinsavedinthefollowingformatA3_literaturereview_firstname_lastname(PDF format) • Length:2000words(+/-10%) Uploadbothfilesinonego. Marking criteria: MA5821 Assignment 2 – Literature review: Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail Criterion 1: Student identifies and relates an information trend or issue to advanced statistical modelling Student demonstrates an excellent understanding of different pandemic models used to monitor progression of SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) and the advantages and disadvantages this trend is having on two different fields of study Student demonstrates a strong understanding of different pandemic models used to monitor progression of SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) and the advantages and disadvantages this trend is having on two different fields of study Student demonstrates a developing understanding of different pandemic models used to monitor progression of SARS-CoV- 2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) and the advantages and disadvantages this trend is having on two different fields of study Student demonstrates a basic understanding of different pandemic models used to monitor progression of SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) and the advantages and disadvantages this trend is having on two different fields of study Student fails to demonstrate an understanding of different pandemic models used to monitor progression of SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) and the advantages and disadvantages this trend is having on two different fields of study Criterion 2: Student investigates a range of ideas and issues from the literature. Student demonstrates a strong professional position about the trend and includes a wide range of readings from the literature. The literature review demonstrates accomplished skills in comparing, contrasting and concluding strongly on issues identified. The review is logically structured, well written and highlights appropriate facets of the trend or issue being discussed. Evidence of an emergent professional dialogue about the topic trend. Student goes beyond the readings and demonstrates a strong engagement with the literature. Evidence of being able to compare, contrast and conclude on issues identified in the literature and to present a balanced argument and discuss appropriate facets of the trend or issue. Some descriptive narrative of the literature. Evidence the student has read outside the readings in the modules. Evidence of beginning analysis, critical discussion and engagement with multiple perspectives of the trend. Presents a balanced review. Descriptive narrative of the literature mainly from the modules and readings for the subject. Some evidence of developing understandings about the trend or issue being examined. Review is not a balanced review and does not discuss or explore multiple perspectives. Student does not demonstrate an engagement with the literature and fails to present a range of ideas and issues discussed in the literature. Criterion 3: Student relates the investigation of the literature to the role of the data scientist. Student demonstrates a strong professional position about a range of ideas, potential issues and perceptions regarding the role of the data scientist in this trend. Demonstrates a close examination of the literature and the role of the data scientist in this trend. Uses critical analysis and synthesis to present a balanced view that includes multiple aspects of the trend or issue being examined. Review logically structured and well written. Evidence of a developing professional dialogue and discusses how the trend or issue examined may affect the role of the data scientist in this trend. Presents a balanced view that includes multiple aspects of the trend or issue being examined. Evidence of a developing awareness of how the trend or issue examined may affect the role of the data scientist in this trend. Evidence of developing analysis and engagement with the literature. Descriptive narrative of how the trend or issue examined in the literature may affect the role of the data scientist in this trend. Evidence of a weak understanding of the role of the data scientist in relation to this trend, largely unsupported by references to the literature reviewed. The student fails to relate the issues discussed in the literature review to the role of the data scientist in this trend. Criterion 4: Student applies Demonstrates independent Evidence of independent Some evidence of independent Descriptive narrative with little No evidence of independent and integrates critical analysis investigation, original questioning and critical analysis. Examines in detail and demonstrates understanding of multiple perspectives and through these can provide an insightful critical discussion. Author's voice strong. investigation, original questioning and critical analysis. Explores and demonstrates understanding of multiple perspectives and through these can provide an emergent critical discussion of multiple perspectives. Author's voice evident. investigation, original questioning and analysis. Takes and understands multiple perspectives and through these can provide a narrative with developing analysis of multiple perspectives. evidence of independent investigation, original questioning and analysis. Attempts to take and understand multiple perspectives. investigation, or original questioning. No attempt to take and understand multiple perspectives. Criterion 5: Student demonstrates quality writing skills using appropriate conventions. Demonstrates sophisticated critical analysis and synthesis skills. Argument flows logically and writing is free from grammatical and paragraphing errors. Strong author's voice, evidence from other sources integrated seamlessly to support arguments, with paraphrasing and direct quotes rarely used to demonstrate understandings. Referencing free from error and follows APA style conventions and standards. Demonstrates competent analysis skills. Argument flows, is logically structured and written with clarity. Few grammatical errors, good use of paragraphs to structure the argument. Evidence of a developing author's voice, attempts to integrate evidence from other sources to support arguments, some paraphrasing and direct quotes used to demonstrate understandings. Referencing follows APA style conventions and standards. Evidence of developing analysis. Argument demonstrates structure, correct paragraphing and the beginnings of logical flow. Some grammatical errors, poor sentence structure and paragraphing. Argument does not flow and evidence of paraphrasing from the literature. Author's voice not evident, referencing contains minor formatting errors. Descriptive narrative with some grammatical errors, some poor sentence structure and paragraphing. Developing argument that shows some evidence of structure, but does not flow easily. Heavy reliance on paraphrasing and direct quotes from the literature. Referencing contains many formatting errors. Descriptive narrative that includes many grammatical errors, poor sentence structures and paragraphing. Argument is poorly structured, does not flow easily and does not address the topic/task. Does not exhibit good writing skills. MA5821_A2_Wk6_Literature Review final (1) MA5821_A2_Wk6_Literature Review final (1).2
Answered 2 days AfterOct 08, 2021

Answer To: MA5821 Visual Analytics for Data Scientists using SAS Assignment 2 Content...

Sanjukta answered on Oct 10 2021
133 Votes
As we all know that Coronavirus that originated in the year 2019 have destroyed the entire world. The fatality rate in the elderly people who are more than 60 years of age is much higher previously when contracted with the young people who are less than 60 years of ag
e. COVID-19 or Coronavirus is declared a pandemic by the WHO in 2020. However, researchers across the globe since then are trying to get hold of the origin and the possible solution regarding this virus.
The origin and classification of the virus (statement about the issue)
As regarded by the researchers SARS-CoV-2 is the family member of order Nidovirales and Coronaviridae. Furthermore, this family also consists of 2 subfamilies Torovirinae and Coronavirinae along with the members of the subfamily Coronavirinae are basically subdivided into the 4 generations. It is needless to say that SARS-CoV-2 is regarded as the Beta coronavirus that is affecting the human beings. On the other hand, with the help of the genome sequences in terms of the RaTG13, SARS-CoV-2 along with SARS-CoV then it is also found out by a further study have found out that the virus might be connected with BatCoV RaTG13 and it is basically the bat coronavirus that was also discovered previously from the province of Yunnan in Rhinolophus affinis. Arguably, all of the above-mentioned findings tend to suggest that bats might be the original host of this particular virus. Notwithstanding, a review is expected to explain whether any moderate hosts have worked with the transmission of the infection to people. Bats are probably not going to be the creature that is straightforwardly liable for transferring the infection to people for a very long time. It is also projected that the healthcare settings might be one of the most vital sources in terms of transmission. The model of SARS that applying mainly the triage following the most appropriate measures, isolating the contact as well as cases are considered to be the most effective tool for limiting the spread of this virus in hospitals and also clinics. This is in case of the hospital settings. However, in the community setting the infected people should be completely isolated and it is the basic measure for interrupting the further spread of this disease (Wang, 2020).
Pandemic models that is used for Covid-19 (advantages and disadvantages)
In this particular study it has been observed that the authors used mathematical models in form of the pandemic model so that they can understand the transmission dynamics related to the COVID-19 pandemic in Thailand. The division happened into the 7 departmental classes such as symptomatically infected, susceptible, exposed, quarantined, death and recovered. One of the major approaches that were used in this scenario was the next generation matrix for examining the primary reproduction number as much as possible. The results of this particular study highlighted that the disease free equilibrium is asymptomatically stable across the globe. However, the symptomatic stability in terms of endemic equilibrium takes place at certain value (Harjule, Tiwari & Kumar, 2021).
There some of the most notable advantages of models that are used in terms of monitoring the progression of the virus that causes the COVID-19. Firstly, a high likelihood and critical danger of natural transmission, including airborne and fomite transmission, for SARS-CoV-2. Consolidating such a climate to-human course into numerical models may describe in the best possible manner that the transmission elements of COVID-19 and possibly gain further comprehension of its pandemic patterns. Secondly, it has been observed that the mathematical epidemic models are positioned in best possible manner for incorporating the best possible outcome concerning the COVID-19 for quantifying the communication in terms of the economic and also the epidemiogical factors, as well as it can be suggested that there is a lot of balance between the economic development along with the pandemic control. However, in this particular regard some of the countries are using a combined framework concerning the epidemic-economic modelling that is in return helping the governments and also the public health administrations with...

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