Visit the Campbell Collaboration’s website at www. Find a review of the effectiveness of interventions for a problem that interests you. Discuss how relying on reviews such...

Visit the Campbell Collaboration’s website at www. Find a review of the effectiveness of interventions for a problem that interests you. Discuss how relying on reviews such as that one represents a top-down search strategy, and why using such a strategy would be more expedient than using a bottomup search strategy. (If you are more interested in health or mental health care interventions, you can use the Cochrane Collaboration’s website at 6. Enter the search terms dodo bird verdict and common factors psychotherapy. Go to several sources that discuss the common factors and several sites that argue for or against the dodo bird verdict. Briefly summarize how what you read is likely to influence your outlook regarding EBP.


Examine several recent issues of a social work research journal (such as Research on Social Work Practice or Social Work Research). Find one article that emphasizes quantitative methods and one emphasizing qualitative methods. Discuss the value of each and how they illustrate the contrasting methods.

May 19, 2022

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