From the given pictures
a) determine the Stem-leaf plot of sunflower heights in the test plot which was fertilized and for non-fertilized .
part b doesn't concern pic 2.
b) Determine the box- whisker plot for sunflower heights in the test plot which was fertilized and that were non-fertlized.

Extracted text: VI. In the following example the researcher was interested in how the application of a fertilizer affected the height of sunflower plants. The fertilizer was applied to one test plot and the height of n= 20 sunflower plants in that test plot were measured 201.6 235.6 212.7 222.1 220.9 225.4 205.5 219.2 220.3 216.8 239.5 206.2 213.3 207.2 198.4 224.2 248.0 226.4 231.9 211.5 Er² = 965341.25 Σ 4386.7 In addition no fertilizer was applied to a second test plot and the height of m = 15 sunflower plants in that test plot were measured. 144.7 149.5 128.2 126.3 154.3 144.7 131.9 138.6 113.6 102.7 101.6 156.9 119.3 141.2 151.2 Ey = 2004.7 Ey² = 272453.21

Extracted text: a) 77.9 8 7.7 c) 16 1기|9.0 18 5.8,7.5 7 9 10 1.6,2.7 11 3.6,9.3 12 6.3,8.2 13 1.9,8.6 14 1.2,4.7,4.7,9.5 15 1.2,4.3,6.9 16| 9 8.6 10 11 5.6,6.5,7.9,9.9 12 7.0 13 0.3,0.6,4.8,9.5 14 2.1,5.0,8.6 15 5.7,6.4 10 19 11 2.0,9.8 12 7.0,9.9 13 0.0,2.2,5.5,6.3 20 5.9,8.7 21 1.9,3.5,5.0,7.2,8.5 22 0.6,1.0,3.6,3.9,5.8,8.6 23 0.9,4.1 24 1.8,8.0 14 15 1.0 16 2.0,3.8,4.2,9.8 f) 16 17 18 19 20 8.1 21 0.0,3.7,6.1,8.0,8.7,9.2,9.4 22 1.7,5.1,9.3 23 0.5,0.5,3.1,4.4,8.2,9.8 24 6.9,9.2,9.7 g) 16 17 18 19 4.4,5.3,6.9 20 3.1,5.9 21 0.7,1.5,6.2,94 22 4.3,5.0,5.7 23 1.8,4.9,6.5,8.5,9.9 24 3.6,5.0,5.3 h) 16 17 18 19 8.4 20 1.6,5.5,6.2,7.2 21 1.5,2.7,3.3,6.8,9.2 22 0.3,0.9,2.1,42,5.4,6.4 23 1.9,5.6,9.5 24 8.0 e) 10 11 1.2,3.9,4.3 12 5.4,7.3,7.6,8.1 13 5.6 14 2.7,2.9,3.3,6.1 15 1.1,3.8 16 2.8