Due Date:29-May-2020
Return Date:23-Jun-2020
Submission method options:EASTS (online)
back to topMarketing Plan
You are an entrepreneur and want to start a small business. You begin by developing a marketing plan for your agriproduct.
Make a PowerPoint presentation of no more than 1000 words (+/- 10% allowance given) to your potential funding organisation and convince them that your business idea is worth launching. You can pick up an existing differentiated agriproduct or come up with your novel product.
The word count does not include appendices, tables, cover page, contents page, reference list or titles. Write thetotal wordsused ineach sectionon the first slide. Requestsomeone preferably outside the subject to read your draftbefore submission. Acknowledge the checker on the first slide. Also write your full name, course name and university year on the cover slide.
Covert your PowerPoint presentation to pdf for submission.
Context of the task
Introduction to the product |
I. 3 C analysis,i.e.customers, competitors and company itself
II. Environmental Analysisto analyse external factors(Political, Economic, Social, Technological and Cultural factors)
III. SWOT Analysis
IV. Target marketbased on five broad approaches (Geographic, Demographic, Socio-cultural, Psychographic and Behavioural)
V. Positioning
VI. Marketing mix strategy(Product, Price, Place, Promotion)
VII. Conclusion
Clarity and creativity of presentation
A report that is professionally composed and presented, and at a standard consistent with university-level academic writing has the following attributes:
- The first slide that defines the product. Clear headings and sub-headings on each slide based on the task content above for the reader’s benefit. The report should be 1000 words in total with some allowance (+/- 10%). The word count does not include appendices, tables, cover page, contents page, reference list or titles.
- Well-prepared tables that are clearly and correctly labelled and cross-referenced (e.g. Table 1 shows...) and discussed in the text
- The written expression of the report should be concise and comprehendible with correctly constructed, varied and linked sentences and paragraphs to form a cohesive report
- A CSU document should have in-text referencing and a full reference list in the APA style at the end. The references should be cited using APA6 referencing style available fromCSU referencing tools for guidance. Provide a hyperlink for each government report or data source used, citing all resources, both in the text and in the reference list. The table must also acknowledge sources at the bottom in the format “Source: Author (Year)”.
This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
- Be able to accurately explain how differentiated product markets work and how to go about market planning of differentiated agriproducts
This task also contributes to the assessment of the followingCSU Graduate Learning Outcome/s:
- Academic Literacy and Numeracy (Skill) - Charles Sturt Graduates demonstrate the literacy and numeracy skills necessary to understand and interpret information and communicate effectively according to the context.
- Academic Literacy and Numeracy (Application) - Charles Sturt Graduates consider the context, purpose, and audience when gathering, interpreting, constructing, and presenting information.
- Information and Research Literacies (Knowledge) - Charles Sturt Graduates demonstrate that disciplinary knowledge is developed through research and evidence.
- Information and Research Literacies (Skill) - Charles Sturt Graduates demonstrate the skills required to locate, access and critically evaluate existing information and data.
- Ethics (Application) - Charles Sturt Graduates form judgements and apply ethical decision making and reasoning to identify creative solutions to ethical problems.
- Professional Practice (Skill) - Charles Sturt Graduates demonstrate discipline-specific technical capabilities and self-appraisal required for a beginning practitioner or professional.
- Lifelong Learning (Knowledge) - Charles Sturt Graduates anticipate lifelong learning requirements post-graduation.
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3 C analysis,, customers and competitors
The plan is creative; the justification is succinct and represents synthesis, evaluation and application of the relevant theories.
The work is very well organised and can be used to enhance decision making
The plan is creative; the justification represents synthesis, evaluation and application of the relevant theories.
The work is well organised and can be used to enhance decision making
The plan is interpretive and draws on theory.
The work is organised and can be used to enhance decision making
The plan is descriptive and follows some theory.
The work is loosely structured and would enhance decision making to some extent
The plan does not reflect knowledge of theory/ principles.
It does not sufficiently relate to the case and/or would not enhance decision making
Environmental Analysisto analyse external factors(Political, Economic, Social, Technological and Cultural factors)
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
SWOT Analysis
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Target marketbased on five broad approaches (Geographic, Demographic, Socio-cultural, Psychographic and Behavioural)
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Marketing mix strategy(product, price, place, promotion)
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Clarity and creativity of presentation
Learning is presented creatively, and clearly, with the use of multiple modes of communication (e.g., photos, drawings, videos)
Learning is presented creatively, and clearly, with the use of multiple modes of communication
Learning is presented creatively, and clearly
Learning is presented clearly
Learning is not presented clearly
back to topRefer to the example of amarketing planfrom the APPENDIX of Elliott, G., Rundle-Thiele, S., & Waller, D. (2014). MARKETING (3rd ed.). Melbourne, AUSTRALIA: WileyThis resource is accessible through the CSU library (three case studies including the one mentioned here under topic 4 reading list on the subject site too). Also, refer to the materials covered in the lectures.
Follow the criteria laid above with clear headings and sub-headings provided. It requires:
• Sourcing the most recent data and facts from the relevant sources
• Use/produce tables where needed
• All resources cited in APA style, both in text and in the reference list
• Number the figures and tables if used and cross-referenced into your text (e.g. Figure 1 shows...) and discuss
• Limited to 1000 words in total but some allowance is given (+/- 10%). The word count does not include a reference list, appendices, tables or their titles
Assessment item 3 - Market Research
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Due Date:29-May-2020
Return Date:23-Jun-2020
Submission method options:EASTS (online)
back to topMarket Research
Design your consumer survey for your chosendifferentiated agriproductand collect data from at least 30 participants (you can generate the data yourself OR ask friends and family to respond ensuring the anonymity of respondents in the latter case). (A sample survey named “Example” has been placed on the left-hand menu of the subject’s i2 site that you can participate in to get an idea of what is expected). Your market research is aimed at pinpointing yourtarget market segment,and theproduct attributesthat your target market segment prefers.
Present anExecutive Summaryto your shareholders/financial supporters based on the results of the survey in no more than 1000 words (+/- 10% allowance given). The word count does not include appendices, tables, cover page, contents page, reference list or titles. Write thetotal wordsused ineach sectionon the first page. Requestsomeone preferably outside the subject to read your draftbefore submission. Acknowledge the checker on the cover page. Also write your full name, course name and university year on the cover page. Put all your tables and graphs in the appendix.
Use data to tell your story.You do not need to explain the methodology. You can add your ideas to the conclusion.
Also for this assessment,
i) you need tocreate Sawtooth Discoverdemo accountusing youremailyou have registered with CSU as a student. Discover enables you to design a survey and collect data. The free subscription, however, is limited to 10 respondents i.e. your data won't exceed 10 responses.
ii) To overcome this limitation, pleaseadd yourselfto yoursubject coordinator's paid academic subscriptionclicking the link:
iii) You then need to clickCollaborationand add your subject coordinator's email address[email protected]using the share icon which is third from the top left-hand menu in your designed survey (image cut & pasted below).
Context of the task
I. Introduction
Provide amacro overviewof your chosen industry that highlights its importance to theAustralian economy.
- No of businesses (producer and other businesses along the value chain if possible)
- Map of the major production regions in Australia
- Total production estimates (tonnage/volumes)
- The gross value of total production (dollar figure)
- The monetary value of the domestic market
- Domestic average per capita consumption
- Employment (numbers)
- Exports (tonnage/volumes & dollar figure)
II.List no more thanfive consumer segment variablesthat you used. These variables should be based on five broad approaches, i.e. Geographic, Demographic, Socio-cultural, Psychographic and Behavioural
ABS census dictionaryis an excellent resource to pick segmentation variables but keep it as simple as possible
III.List no more thanfive product attributes and the levelsthat you used in your survey with some justification for each variable
For food products, you can get good ideas by reading: Oude Ophuis, P. A. M., & Van Trijp, H. C. M. (1995). Perceived quality:A market driven and consumer oriented approach.Food Quality and Preference
, 6(3), 177-183. doi:
Please read other journal articles/resources too and refer to them here.
Develop your survey keeping in mind that this is an online survey.
IV. Conjoint analysis
Run the Choice-Based Conjoint (CBC) survey and then from the left-hand menu, go toCBC Analysis.
Use the results from primary data collected to answer the following three questions (Make sub-headings of the bold and underlined keywords in the questions below):
- Based on theshare of preferencewhich product scored the highest (product 1, 2 or 3) and what were that product's attribute levels that scored highest? (copy and paste the Sample Scenario graph comparing three products and table of levels of attributes for the highest-ranked product)
- What does theimportance summarygraph/table show? (copy-paste the table and describe thetop 3 importance scores)
- Use theutility summarytable to explain the product attribute that scored highest (copy and paste the graph for this attribute/its levels)
V. Consumer market segmentation
Analyse the primary data collected to show how the consumers weresegmented for the productwith the highestshare of preferencebased on your five consumer segment variables? (Copy and paste any three graphs based on segment variables)
Place your answers for the above segmentation criterion under the relevant sub-headings of Geographic, Demographic, Socio-cultural, Psychographic and Behavioural.
VI. Promotion
Based on the results for your chosen agriproduct, which market segment will you target and what attributes will you promote?
What mix of promotion campaigns (use two different campaigns) will you use to most effectively communicate with your target market? Be specific and mention which broad promotion method each campaign falls under, e.g. advertisement on TV.
VII. Conclusion
Conclude with one suggestion for future research or what from your new knowledge could have been done better in your survey.
A report that is professionally composed and presented, and at a standard consistent with university-level academic writing has the following attributes:
- A title to define the content, a cover page, a table of contents, and provides clear headings and sub-headings for the reader’s benefit. The report should be 1000 words in total with some allowance (+/- 10%). The word count does not include appendices, tables, cover page, contents page, reference list or titles.
- Well-prepared tables that are clearly and correctly labelled and cross-referenced (e.g. Table 1 shows...) and discussed in the text
- The written expression of the report should be concise and comprehendible with correctly constructed, varied and linked sentences and paragraphs to form a cohesive report
- A CSU document should have in-text referencing and a full reference list in the APA style at the end. The references should be cited using APA6 referencing style available fromCSU referencing tools for guidance. Provide a hyperlink for each government report or data source used, citing all resources, both in the text and in the reference list. The table must also acknowledge sources at the bottom in the format “Source: Author (Year)”.
back to topThis assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
- Be able to accurately explain how differentiated product markets work and how to go about market planning of differentiated agriproducts
This assignment covers differentiated product marketing in the agriproduct system and learning outcomes from topics 4 to 9. It aims to help students achieve a thorough understanding of differentiated product markets by addressing the following:
- How primary and secondary data are collected and analysed to study a specific consumer market segment
- What technique is used by marketers to understand unique attributes that consumers value and are willing to pay for
- What methods of promotion are appropriate
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Max Grade
Overview of the Industry
Clear, concise and in-depth description
Clear and in-depth
Clear description
Lack of some details
Superficial description
Consumer segment variables
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Product attributes and their levels
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Conjoint analysis
The data has been comprehensively analysed in a focused manner.
The data has been clearly analysed and is complete.
The data analysis is almost complete but needs some clarification.
The data analysis needs a lot of clarity and missing crucial information.
The analysis is unclear.
Consumer market segmentation
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Promotion methods
The methods are creative; the justification is succinct and represents synthesis, evaluation and application of the relevant theories.
The work is very well organised and can be used to enhance decision making
The methods are creative; the justification represents synthesis, evaluation and application of the relevant theories.
The work is well organised and can be used to enhance decision making
The methods are interpretive and draw on theory.
The work is organised and can be used to enhance decision making
The methods are descriptive and follow some theory.
The work is loosely structured and would enhance decision making to some extent
The framework does not reflect knowledge of theory/ principles.
It does not sufficiently relate to the case and/or would not enhance decision making
Clear, concise and in-depth
Clear and in-depth
Generally clear
Clear, relevant and meaningful title, cover page, table of contents headings and subheadings to define contents
Clear and relevant title, cover page, table of contents, headings and subheadings to define contents
Contains a title, cover page, table of contents, headings and subheadings to define contents
Some form of title, cover page, table of contents, headings and subheadings that could be improved
Inadequate or missing title, cover page, table of contents, headings and subheadings
Concise, correctly constructed, varied and linked sentences and paragraphs to form a cohesive report in all sections
Concise, correctly constructed and linked sentences and paragraphs to form a generally cohesive report
Quite concise, most paragraphs and sentences are correctly constructed and linked to form a generally cohesive report
Too many words used.
Most paragraphs and sentences are correctly constructed and linked but some could be improved to make a more cohesive report
Way too many or too little words used.
Poor sentence and paragraph construction; unclear writing; or many errors in expression and grammar
The graph(s)/ table(s) are all labelled with a concise and meaningful title that clearly identify the variables and axes headings with suitable units
The graph(s)/ table(s) are labelled with titles that clearly identify the variables and axes headings with suitable units
The graph(s)/ table(s) are labelled with a title and axes headings with suitable units
Reference in the text
Most graph(s)/ table(s) are labelled with a title and axes headings
Most graph(s)/ table(s) are not correctly or clearly labelled
All sources are acknowledged and referencing conforms with APA style; relevant and appropriate in-text source citation using the author-date system and reference list provided
Sources are acknowledged, and referencing conforms with APA style; in-text source citation using the author-date system and reference list provided
Most sources are acknowledged and referencing mostly conforms with APA style; in-text source citation using the author-date system and reference list provided
Some sources are acknowledged and an effort to follow APA style; some in text source citation using the author-date system and reference list provided
Insufficient citation of sources for statements of fact or multiple errors in following APA style
back to topFollow the criteria laid above with clear headings and sub-headings provided. It requires:
- Sourcing the most recent data and facts from the relevant sources
- Use/produce tables where needed
- Analysis of the survey data
- All resources cited in APA style, both in text and in the reference list
- Number the figures and tables if used and cross-referenced into your text (e.g. Figure 1 shows...) and discuss
- Limited to 1000 words in total but some allowance is given (+/- 10%). The word count does not include reference list, appendices, tables or their titles