Using this video of chemical reactions address the following six questions to complete the Research Report.Part A.Probing students’ understandings...

Using this video of chemical reactions address the following six questions to complete the Research Report.Part A.Probing students’ understandings (approx. 750words)

1. What are the concepts and pedagogical approaches that you can identify in the selected clip? a) List the concepts, activities and how you think they relate to each other.
b) Describe the teaching approaches/pedagogical strategies used in the clip to probechildren’s understanding, and the possible reasons for why the teacher used these.

This can be presented in a table.

2. What did the children know about the science concepts?
a) Give a description of thechildren’sunderstanding of the science concept(s). Make explicit reference to the data from the video clip (e.g. student verbal responses, actions, etc.).

3. Howdo children’sunderstandings compare with the literature?
a) Identify alternative conceptions in individual children.
b) Compare and contrastchildren’sunderstandings of the concept(s).
c)Identify the children’s difficulties in understanding the particular concept by drawing onyour evidence (e.g.use children’s statements, gestures,actions).
d) Compare your results with those from theresearch literature. Include references.

Part B. The pedagogy of teaching science (approx. 1000 words)

4. How effective were the probing techniques used by the teacher? If effective, why were they effective? If not, why were they not effective?

a) Provide evidence from the video clip, and from the literature to support your answers. What was the pedagogical power of the techniques? Why is probing important in teaching science?

5. How often did the teacher use various types of questions in the clip? How effective were the various types of questions? If effective, why were they effective? If not, why were they not effective?

a) Describe the variety and type of questions the teacher used in the video clip. Categorise the questions used according tothe question types in the DET sheet “Categorising Questions”.
b) Evaluate the effectiveness of the various question categories. Were some question categories used more frequently and/or were they more informative than others? What evidence can you use to support your claims about the effectiveness of some questioncategories (e.g. use children’s statements, gestures, actions).

6. One of the aims of this unit is to build your capacity to teach science. This is reflected in your understanding of the pedagogies used in teaching science. How would you follow up with the probing session in the video clip? What pedagogical approaches would you use to respond to the student ideas presented in the video clip?

a) Draw on your knowledge and experience to describe how you would follow up from the probing session in the clip. Give examples of what you might do and draw on research literature to support your planned activities and approaches to respond to student ideas presented in the video clip.

b) Discuss how your planned activities and approaches align with the constructivist theory introduced in the unit.

The Research Report should be a well-written coherent responsewithin the word count.
You can use sub-headings to organise your report. The word counts for part A and B are guides only. TheAppendixcan be used for supplementary materialbut the report must be able to stand-alone.(The tutor may not look at the appendix when marking). The appendix could include video transcripts, your reflections, notes, and observations. Please use appendices sparingly. They are not included in your word count.

May 06, 2021

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