Using the topic you have developed in PSY-530 (if you have not taken PSY-530, please check with your instructor about a topic), write a Research Proposal (2,000-2,500 words) on a topic relevant to the course. To complete the Research Proposal, do the following:
Review the attached document "Research Proposal Guidelines" as well as Topic 7 lecture section on The Results and Discussion Sections in the Research Proposal for a brief overview pertaining to "how to" complete the assignment.
1. Introductory section: Include hypothesis and a review of the literature.
2. Method section: Include subsections on Participants, Apparatus/Materials/Instruments, Procedure, and Design.
3. Results section: Include statistic, critical values, degrees of freedom, and alpha level.
4. Discussion section: Include interpretation of results, ethical concerns, limitations of study, and suggestions for future research.
5. Figures and Tables section: Include a minimum of two (either two figures, two tables, or a figure and a table).
Setting Up the Literature Review and Method Sections As students contemplate their research proposal project paper, they need to consider several ingredients for their project. The first section of a research proposal includes a literature review and a section for the hypothesis. A literature review consists of experimental and nonexperimental studies relevant to the topic. The student should point out his/her proposal not only follows from previous research but also leads into new territory. Thus, the last part of the literature review is where the student lists his/her hypotheses. The second part of the proposal, titled the method section, should consist of several subsections. 1)Subjects (or Participants): This is where the student should discuss how subjects will be recruited, how many are needed, and whether specific criteria are needed(age, sex, etc.). 2) Apparatus and Materials/Instruments:What types of measurements are needed? Common items (such as rulers and paper) do not need to be mentioned, butmore sophisticated instruments do. If a test is going to be used, it should be mentioned here, whether it is a published or a homemade test. If it is a published test, copyrightpermission should be obtained, and reliability and validity coefficients should be reported (Buros Center for Testing, 2004). 3) Procedure:In this section, step-by-step details are needed in chronological order; the text of any instructions given to subjects should be included. 4) Design:The type of design is not usually included for simple studies, but it should be included for a project like this. Setting Up the Results and Discussion Sections in the Research ProposalSince you will not typically be carrying out your research proposal, you may be wondering how you will fill out your results section. There are four items that can beincluded. 1) Since you created the design for the Method section, you can select the appropriate statistic. 2) You can include the alpha level (of .05). 3) You know how many subjects you need, sodf can be calculated. 4) Thus, you can also calculate the critical value needed to reject the null hypothesis. The Discussion section should explain three aspects: 1) what the results mean, in “everyday” language (practical versus research significance), 2) the strengths and the limitations of the study, and 3) future possibilities for research (Martin, 1977). In addition, for this class’ project, a discussion of ethics is needed (e.g., how ethical issues were dealt with).Following the body of the paper is the References page; see the American Psychological Association (APA) Manual for the correct format (pp. 49-51). The last two items are Tablesand Figures.The research project must contain one of each (or two tables or two figures). Tables are columns of data (if you do not carry out the project, do not make up data; the table format can still be set up). Figures include pictures, graphs, or drawings.