Using the provided Book class in the file, create a container class called ShoppingList to store a list of books for a semester's worth of classes. Your ShoppingList class should primarily consist of a list of Book objects and should support the following methods:
- Constructor that takes a list of course designators (eg., "CSCI 1133") and creates a list of Book objects using the provided constructor in the Book class and the book information in the file Your constructor should have the signature __init__(self, courses).
- Overloaded addition operator that allows you to add Book objects to a ShoppingList using '+'
- Overloaded subtraction operator that allows you to remove Book objects from a ShoppingList using '-'
A get_total_price() function that returns a sum of the prices of all books on the shopping list.
You should use the same catalog list for testing as you used in problem 1. Save your ShoppingList class in the same
file as the provided Book class. file:
import catalog
class Book:
#Constructor takes a dictionary object to initialize member values. Subject is a
#string representing the 3-4 letter department designator eg., CSCI
def __init__(self, subject, book_info):
self.title = book_info['textbook']
self.price = book_info['price']
self.class_uses = [subject + ' ' + book_info['number']]
def book_title(self):
return self.title
def book_price(self):
return self.price
def book_classes_use(self):
return self.class_uses
catalog file:
csci = {"abbreviation":"CSCI", "department":"Computer Science",
"classes": [{"number": "1133", "textbook": "Programming in Python", "price":60.00},
{"number": "3081W", "textbook": "UML Distilled", "price":45.00},
{"number": "4041", "textbook": "Introduction to Algorithms", "price":70.00},
{"number": "4511W", "textbook": "Artificial Intelligence", "price": 159.99},
{"number": "5511", "textbook": "Artificial Intelligence", "price": 159.99}]}
chen = {"abbreviation":"CHEN", "department":"Chemical Engineering",
"classes": [{"number": "3101", "textbook":"Chemical, Biochemical, & Engineering Thermodynaics", "price":78.95},
{"number": "3006", "textbook":"Separation Process Principles", "price":106.50},
{"number": "4214", "textbook":"Polymer Chemistry", "price":135.00},
{"number": "4708", "textbook":"Chemical Rate Processes", "price":211.25},
{"number": "8101", "textbook":"Incompressible Flow", "price":175.00}]}
chem = {"abbreviation":"CHEM", "department":"Chemistry",
"classes": [{"number": "1907", "textbook":"Food Lab", "price":33.00},
{"number": "2301", "textbook":"Organic Chemistry", "price":40.00},
{"number": "4021", "textbook":"Essentials of Computational Chemistry", "price":80.00},
{"number": "4701", "textbook":"Inorganic Chemistry", "price":260.00},
{"number": "8552", "textbook":"Principles of Quantum Mechanics", "price":102.65}]}
biol = {"abbreviation": "BIOL", "department":"Biology",
"classes":[{"number": "2012", "textbook":"Animal Diversity", "price":177.50},
{"number": "3272", "textbook":"Analysis of Biological Data", "price":168.80},
{"number": "4003", "textbook":"Genetics", "price": 44.25},
{"number": "4004", "textbook":"Molecular Cell Biology", "price":167.50},
{"number": "5309", "textbook":"Molecular Ecology", "price":151.00}]}
ling = {"abbreviation": "LING", "department":"Linguistics",
"classes":[{"number":"1912", "textbook":"Art of Language Invention", "price": 12.95},
{"number": "3601", "textbook":"Trask's Historical Linguistics", "price": 61.80},
{"number": "4201", "textbook":"Syntax: A Generative Introduction", "price":33.50},
{"number": "4302W", "textbook":"Introductory Phonology", "price":40.40},
{"number":"5206", "textbook":"Pragmatics", "price":33.95}]}
bskt = {"abbreviation": "BSKT", "department":"Basket Weaving",
"classes":[{"number": "1091", "textbook": "Basket Arts", "price":101.50},
{"number": "2223", "textbook": "Physics of Basket Weaving", "price":68.33},
{"number": "3104", "textbook": "Underwater Basket Weaving", "price":149.95},
{"number": "5103", "textbook": "Basket Weaving in Midair", "price": 43.10},
{"number": "8001", "textbook": "Zero Gravity Weaving Arts", "price":50.50}]}
catalog = [csci, chen, chem, biol, ling, bskt]