Using the protocols established for substantive participation in this course, develop a full reply to the following, using evidence from the text, and respond to two classmates' posts.
Chapter 1-7
1. Pick one passage from the text in which you find Jonathan Harker to be more like a Gothic-Romanticheroinerather thanhero. Show a passage where you could argue that Mina represents characteristics of aherorather than a typicalheroine.
(You can either quote it or just summarize the situation.)
Then answer:Who do you think displays characteristics of the perfect heroine and hero in Dracula? Why?Why do you think Stoker would play with expected Victorian gender roles the way he does?
2. Pick a passage that you think reflects the novel's attitude toward non-English people and discuss what you think it says about Stoker's (an Irish person) sentiments concerning the English.
DraculaChapters 8-20
This novel is clearly one that is veiled erotica. A sexually repressed Victorian audience would not accept a plot revolving around literal sex; however they would accept a titillating metaphor. Consider the scene in the crypt between Arthur and Lucy and discuss the ways in which Stoker is using an extended metaphor to talk about sex and sexuality as well as gender and gender roles. Use quotes from the text.
In the section between Lucy's death and Chapter 20, something has happened with the "authorship" of this narrative. Ultimately, who is writing -- or rewriting -- this story? What are some possible implications?